KTC student wins NSW Bible Quiz
Three KTC students competing in a NSW Bible Quiz Competition organised and sponsored by the State Zionist Council of NSW have scored top places.

l-r Rivka Cohen, Devorah Leah Deitz, Rabbi Glogauer, Shira Lawrence, Rabbi Shmuel Cohen, Sarah Charak
KTC students Shira Lawrence (1st), Sarah Charak (2nd) and Dvora Leah Deitz (4th) were coached by Rabbi Shmuel Cohen and Chaya Markovits in preparation for the big day.
They performed brilliantly in an extremely challenging and difficult competition. Shira Lawrence from Yr 9 was named the NSW State winner. She won a trip to Melbourne where she will compete in an attempt to be named the Australian National champion. If she is successful she will then win a trip to Israel to compete in an international forum .
No one came 3rd????