Kristallnacht remembered

November 10, 2017 by Community newsdesk
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A packed auditorium in Sydney’s Jewish Museum commemorated the day in 1938 when Nazi Germany burned synagogues and books ahead of the most tragic period in Jewish history.

CEO of  The New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies Vic Alhadeff and survivor Peter Nash recalled the events in Europe with Peter Nash relating the times in Berlin where he was born.

The chair of the Shoah Remembrance Committee Danny Hochberg welcomed keynote human rights lawyer George Newhouse who focused on contemporary problems facing refugees fleeing home troubled home countries.

Hochberg’s son Joni assured the participants that his generation will keep the stories of those who were murdered at the Nazis’ hands alive and will pass them on to the next generation.

A soulful rendition of Es Brent was performed by saxophonist Sam Weiss and didgeridoo player Steve Mazabow.

Photos: Giselle Haber

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