King’s Birthday Honours 2024

June 9, 2024 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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A hearty mazeltov to all members of the Australian Jewish community who Australia has recognised, including two rabbis with very differents stories.


The Honourable Kevin Harcourt BELL AM KC, Balnarring VIC 3926

Kevin Harcourt Bell

For distinguished service to the judiciary, to the law, and to human rights through education and reform.

Law and Justice

  •        Commissioner, Yoorrook Justice Commission, 2021-2023.
  •        Co-Chair, National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy Steering Committee, National Mental Health Commission, since 2021.
  •        Judge, Supreme Court of Victoria, 2005-2020.
  •        President, Victorian Civil and Administrative Appeals Tribunal, 2008-2010.
  •        Queen’s/King’s Counsel, Victorian Bar, since 1997.


Monash University

  •        Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Law, since 2022.
  •        Professor of Practice, Faculty of Law, 2020-2022.


Castan Centre of Human Rights Law, Monash University

  •        Director, 2020-2022.
  •        Academic Member, since 2022.


Forensic Leave Panel, Department of Health Victoria

  •        President, 2015-2020.
  •        Member, 2014-2020.


Awards and Recognition include:

  •        Finalist, Human Rights Medal, Australian Human Rights Commission, 2021.
  •        Member, Order of Australia, 2017.

Kevin Bell views his Award as recognition for the work he has been doing for over a generation for human rights and which he and others continue to do.
“With over 15 years as a judge of the Supreme Court I wrote mainly foundational judgements which appear to have contributed to the improvement of human rights in Australia.
The idea of justice for the individual, and the means by which I have been able to help achieve this, has been what informs my work to the maximum extent.
“Working for human betterment is deeply embedded in me” said Kevin Bell.
He is proud of his Sephardic Jewish ancestry which is a constant source of inspiration to him. He can trace his forebears back to the 16th century when his family left Portugal for Amsterdam and then moved on to London.


Professor Ross Leon COPPEL, VIC

Ross Coppel

For distinguished service to science as a microbiologist, to tertiary education, to board and advisory roles, and to innovation.

Monash University

  • Deputy Dean, Innovation and Strategy, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, since 2022.
  • Deputy Dean and Director of Research, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, 2010-2021.
  • Member, Monash University Council, 2016-2021.
  • Founding Director, Victorian Bioinformatics Consortium 2000-2015.
  • Head, Microbiology, 1994-1998.
  • Professor of Microbiology, Monash University, since 1994.


Consulting, Review and Advisory Roles

  • Chair, Scientific Reference Group, Hazelwood Health Study, Victorian Department of Health, current.
  • Member, Medical Science Review Board, Australia/Israel Medical Research (AUSiMED), current.
  • Visiting Analyst, Foursight Associates, 2007-2015.
  • Expert in Residence, Innovations Division, Wellcome Trust, 2007 and 2015.
  • Visiting Analyst, GBS Venture Partners, 2007-2010.
  • Past Advisory Committee Member, Bioinformatics, Malaria Genome Project and Administrator, Malaria Sequence Database, World Health Organization.
  • Past Member, Review Panels, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • Past Member, Review Panels, US Institute of Medicine.
  • Research Fellow, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, 1988-1994.


Professional Associations

  • Fellow, Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences, since 2015.
  • Member, NHMRC Academy, and Research Committee
  • Member, Australian Research Council, Excellence in Research for Australia Research Evaluation Committee.
  • Past International Scholar in Infectious Diseases, Howard Hughes Medical Institute.


  • Named inventor, ten patents for inventions in malaria, primary biliary cirrhosis and novel antibiotics.
  • Author and Co-Author, over 500 scientific publications.
  • h-index – 108
    i10-index – 420


Awards and Recognition include:

Member, Monash Honour Roll, since 2016.

Glaxo Award for Advanced Research in Infectious Diseases.
David De Kretser Medal, Monash University, 2021.

“I was completely blown away when I was contacted about this because it is not something one expects to receive”, Ross Coppel told J-Wire.

“You do what you do because you think it is worthwhile. I worked in health and education and did things which I thought would have good outcomes for students, patients and the community.

Whether on the board of the university or the council or doing research or having a leading role in the medical faculty, my goal, and the goal of the people I worked with, was achieving the best outcomes.

It is just a lovely validation that people think what I have been involved in has been worthwhile and it makes me happy.

I am very grateful to those who nominated me and for the colleagues I have worked with

over the years.

This is also tribute to my late parents who were Polish Holocaust survivors. I am grateful we were brought up here, had a good education and am very grateful to the country which has given me the opportunity to give back” he said.




Daniel Benjamin BESEN, VIC

Daniel Besen

For significant service to the arts, and to philanthropy.

TarraWarra Museum of Art

  •        Chair, current.
  •        Director, since 2013.
  •        Chair, TarraWarra Museum Foundation, current.


  •        Director, Heide Museum of Modern Art, 1993-1998.
  •        Committee Member, Jewish Museum of Australia.
  •        Founding Chair, Chunky Move Dance Company, 1997-2003.
  •        Co-Founder, Celluloid Soup Film Festival, 1998-2002.
  •        Director, Melbourne International Arts Festival, 2003-2005.
  •        Executive Producer, Dirt Girl World, 2008-2017.
  •        Founder, Roger Kemp Art Prize, Victorian College of the Arts, since 2008.
  •        Judge, Roger Kemp Art Prize, Victorian College of the Arts, 2008-2012.
  •        Founder, Les Kossatz Art Prize, Monash University, since 2011.
  •        Founding Chair, Collingwood Yards, 2014-2022.
  •        Judge, Gertrude Street Projection Festival, 2018.
  •        Executive Producer, Red a Film by Del Kathryn Barton, 2018.
  •        Director, International Council of Museum of Modern Art, 2018-2022.
  •        Supporter, Agency Projects, Balletlab, RISING Festival, Australian Chamber Orchestra, and Melbourne Fringe, current.


  •        Trustee, Besen Family Foundation, 2004-2023.
  •        Supporter, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, since 2013.
  •        Supporter, Castan Centre for Human Rights, 2007-2015.
  •        Supporter, Sir John Monash Scholarship Program, 2017-2019.
  •        Supporter, Northern Rivers Community Foundation, current.


  •        Fellow, Monash University, 2021.


“It is an incredible honour and very humbling” Daniel Besen told J-Wire.

“The arts have been a part of my life since I was very young. I have had the privilege to be able to support artists through many endeavours which have been rewarding and enriching and made life so fulfilling in many and varied ways” he said.

Creating an arts hub in the heart of Melbourne and supporting Jewish filmmakers have proved to be standout projects.

“Bringing to life three disused TAFE buildings, Collingwood Yards, which now house 40 studio artists and 20 galleries and arts organisations, was most satisfying” he said.

“Co-founding Celluloid Soup and giving a platform for talented Jewish filmmakers to be able to express themselves through film and animation was also something that stands out” he said.
“Being the Chair of Tarrawarra Museum of Art and carrying the vision and legacy of my parents passion for the arts has been a joy and privilege” he said.



Conjoint Professor Jacqueline Eve CURTIS, NSW

Jackie Curtis

For significant service to medicine, particularly as a mental health clinician and researcher.

Mental Health Research and Education 

  • Inaugural Executive Director, Mindgardens Neuroscience Network, since 2020.
  • Conjoint Professor, School of Psychiatry, The University of New South Wales, since 2022.
  • Chief Investigator, three funded grants, National Health and Medical Research Council, since 2017.


Prince of Wales Hospital

  • Staff Specialist in Psychiatry, since 1996.
  • Local Coordinator, Registrar Training, 2000-2002.
  • Committee Member, Registrar Training, 2000-2008.
  • Member, Medication Committee, 2008-2017.


South Eastern Sydney Local Health District

  • Clinical Director, Youth Mental Health and Early Psychosis Program, 2014-2020.
  • Chair, Keeping the Body in Mind District Working Group, Mental Health, 2015-2019.
  • Member, Linking Physical and Mental Health (LPMH) Committee, 2009-2012, and Chair, 2011-2012.


Orygen and Headspace

  • Steering Committee Member, Australian Early Psychosis Research Network, 2014-2018.
  • Psychiatry Advisor, Headspace National, since 2022.


Mental Health – Other

  • Clinical Lead, Anxiety Disorders Clinic, Wesley Private Clinic, 1999-2002.


Mental Health – Invited Committee Memberships

  • Member, Health Expert Advisory Group, Physical Health in Mental Health Policy revision, NSW Ministry of Health, since 2019-21.
  • Steering Committee Member, RANZCP Special Interest Group in Youth Mental Health, 2011-2012, and Co-Opted Member for NSW, 2013-2015.
  • Working Group Member, NSW Health Linking Physical and Mental health, 2010-2011, and 2014-2015.
  • Co-Chair and Co-Founder, International Physical Health in Youth Stream (iphYs), since 2010.
  • Member, W.H.O Guideline Development Group, 2017-2018.


Equally Well

  • National Steering Committee Member, since 2021.
  • Member, Expert Advisory Group, National Mental Health Commission: National Consensus Statement on Identification and Care for the Physical Health of People with a Mental Illness, 2015-2017.


Commonwealth Department of Health

  • Steering Committee Member, Healthy Mind Healthy Body, 2019-2023.
  • Member, Youth Expert Panel, National Mental Health Service Planning Framework Toolkit Committee, 2019-2020.
  • Member, Early Psychosis Youth Services Evaluation Reference Group, EY obo Department of Health, 2018-2020.


Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

  • Fellow, since 1996.
  • Member, Faculty of Adult Psychiatry, current.
  • Member, Section of Youth Mental Health, current.


Professional Associations

  • Member, International Early Psychosis Association, since 2006.
  • Member, Society for Mental Health Research, since 2006.
  • Member, International Association of Youth Mental Health, since 2010.

Editorial Reviewer roles include:

  • Australasian Psychiatry.
  • Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry.
  • Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
  • Medical Journal of Australia.
  • New England Journal of Medicine.
  • Frontiers in Psychiatry.


Awards and Recognition include:

  • Margaret Tobin Award, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, 2023.

“I have been both overwhelmed and very proud to receive this Award, but also feel this is really for the work of a team” Jackie Curtis told J-Wire.

Being the daughter of Hungarian Holocaust survivors has informed her career and drives her work on social justice and human rights issues.

“Because of the work I have done with people living with serious mental illness and a life expectancy gap, I am driven to bring attention to what I can do something about – closing that gap.

It is an injustice that people with mental illness do not get the same level of physical care – good quality health care – as others.

There is a life expectancy gap for people with mental illness because they don’t get treated for things like, say diabetes or obesity.  I want to bring awareness of the inequality of treatment for the physical wellbeing of people with mental illness” she said.


  Professor Sharon Ruth GOLDFELD, VIC
For significant service to paediatric medicine as a clinician and academic, and to public health research.

Sharon Goldfeld

The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne

  •        Director, Centre for Community Child Health, since 2019.
  •        Deputy Director, Centre for Community Child Health, 1994-2019.
  •        Lead Developer, Australian Early Development Census.
  •        Professorial Fellow, The University of Melbourne, current.
  •        Paediatrician and Public Health Physician, since 1994.


Murdoch Children’s Research Institute

  •        Theme Director, Population Health, current.
  •        Co-Group Leader, Policy and Equity, current.
  •        Lead Investigator, right@home Nursing Program, since 2019.
  •        Lead Chief Investigator, Kids in Community Study, 2010-2018.
  •        Steering Committee Member, Restacking the Odds.


The Royal Australasian College of Physicians

  •        Member, Child Protection Special Interest Group, 2005.
  •        Member, Child Development and Behaviour Special Interest Group, since 2005.
  •        Member, Child Population Health Special Interest Group, since 2005.
  •        Supervisor of advanced trainees in various specialties, since 2013.
  •        Co-Chair, Inequities in Child Health Working Group, 2015-2018.
  •        Member, Community Child Health Professional Activities Working Group, 2013-2015.
  •        Member, Paediatrics and Child Health Division Policy and Advocacy Committee, 2008-2014.
  •        Fellow, Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine, since 2007.
  •        Fellow, since 1997.

Research and Publications

  •        Over 120 peer-reviewed publications and editorials.
  •        Author, 46 reports for state and federal governments, and several book chapters.


Jewish Care Victoria

  •        Board Member, since 2016.
  •        Chair, Quality and Service Review Committee, current.


Very Special Kids 

  •        Director, 2004-2017.
  •        Former Chair, Clinical Governance and Risk Committee.
  •        Life Member.



  •        Governor, Sholem Aleichem College, current.

Victorian Government

  •        Principal Medical Advisor, Victorian Department of Education and Training, 2007-2010.
  •        Senior Medical Advisor, Department of Health and Human Services Victoria, 2005-2007.
  •        Child Health Advisor, Department of Health and Human Services Victoria, 2000-2005.

Awards and Recognition include:

  •        Marles Medal, The University of Melbourne, 2020.
  •        Rue Wright Award, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 2011.
  •        Aileen Plant Award, Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 2008.
  •        Exam Medal, Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 2007.

“To have the work recognised and to be recognised personally by your country is both humbling and a big deal. I do feel honoured.  However, achievements are always made because of a group effort, nothing is achieved on one’s own” said Sharon Goldfeld.

She is particularly proud to have been involved with the right@home Nursing Program.

right@home is a nurse home visiting program designed to meet the needs of Australian women experiencing psychosocial and socioeconomic adversities. Offered from pregnancy until children turn 2 years old, the program provides parents with easy access to health and social support during this extremely important time.

“Taking the time to build working relationships within Government, non-government or in the community is something that I find very satisfying” she said.

Closest to her heart are causes that help children.

“It impacts on everything I do.  Making a difference for kids and changing preventable inequalities like status, geography and social justice is what motivates me” she said.


The late Jacob Kopel GOLDSTEIN, VIC
For significant service to medicine as a cardiothoracic surgeon, and as a surgical mentor.

Jacob Goldstein Photo: Julie Torhbart

Monash Health 

  •        Cardiothoracic Surgeon, 1989-2021.
  •        Supervisor, Cardiothoracic Training, 1989-2017.
  •        Head, Cardiothoracic Unit, 1994-2001.


  •        Honorary Senior Lecturer, Department of Surgery, Monash University, 1992-2022.
  •        Cardiothoracic Surgeon, 1979-2021.
  •        Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Cabrini Private Hospital, 1986-2021.
  •        Cardiothoracic Surgeon, The Alfred, 1984-1993.
  •        Cardiothoracic Surgeon, The Austin, St Vincent’s Hospital, Epworth Private, Prince Henry’s, 1984-1989.
  •        Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Greenlane Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand, 1980-1982.
  •        Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Emory University Hospital and Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, United States of America, 1982-1983.


  •        Author/Co-Author, over 20 research publications and peer reviewed articles.

Robert Connor Dawes Foundation

  •        Fundraiser, 2019-2023.

Awards and Recognition include: 

  •        Retirement Award, Monash Health, 2022.
  •        Recognition of 30 Years of Service, Monash Health, 2017.
  •        Certificate of Outstanding Service, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, 2017.
  •        Victorian Educator of Merit – Supervisor/Clinical Assessor of the Year, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, 2017.

Deidre Goldstein used called her late husband the “7-Eleven” man because he left home at 7am and returned at 11pm.

Jacob Goldstein was the child of Holocaust survivors, born in 1947 in a DP camp. They came as refugees to Australia and this played a significant part in his life. His parents spoke Yiddish and struggled with English as he grew up, he learned to interpret and help them make decisions.

He was assured and confident and took responsibility for his family. Yiddish was very important in his family life and today his grandchildren are learning Yiddish at a day school in Melbourne.

“He felt very strongly about the great public education he received in Australia. He was always grateful for the life and opportunities that Australia had afforded him” said Deidre Goldstein.

“Australia provided a haven of freedom and security for his family and his late sister, Pearl, who was born in Melbourne.

He loved medicine with a passion. As a cardiothoracic surgeon he was known for his compassionate, individualised bedside manner at a time when this was not considered important in surgical training.

For this he was well respected and sought out, especially from patients from non-English speaking backgrounds.  During his 40 year career he treated more than 10,000 patients and treated everyone as if they were his family.

He had a deep understanding of people who were marginalised and was a supervisor and trainer for 30 years, a highly respected senior member of his team at Monash, renowned for his endless patience with students and patients.

He loved long distance running and took part in marathons, including the Boston and New York Marathons” she told J-Wire.


Amanda Gordon

For significant service to psychology, and to the multicultural community.


  •        Director and Principal Clinical Psychologist, Armchair Psychology Practice, since 1989.
  •        Adjunct Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology, The University of Canberra, 2011-2020.
  •        President, Division 17 of Professional Practice, International Association of Applied Psychology, 2010-2012.
  •        Peer Reviewer, New South Wales Health Care Complaints Commission, current.
  •        Adjunct Supervisor, Macquarie University Print, current.
  •        Member, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, current.
  •        Member, Eastern Suburbs Division of General Practice.

Australian Psychological Society 

  •        President, 2004-2008.
  •        Founder and Chair, Bendi Lango Foundation, 2006-2016.
  •        Director of Communications, 2001-2004.
  •        Fellow, College of Clinical Psychologists, current.
  •        Fellow, College of Health Psychologists, current.
  •        National Treasurer, College of Clinical Psychologists, 1996-2000.
  •        Treasurer, New South Wales Section Clinical Board, 1992-1996.
  •        Treasurer, Sydney Branch, 1989-1991.
  •        Treasurer and PR Convenor, Queensland Branch, 1984-1988.
  •        Honorary Fellow, 2011.
  •        Founder, National Psychology Week.
  •        Founder, Strategic Leaders Program.


  •        New South Wales President, Hadassah Hospital, 2011-2012.
  •        Vice President and Chair, Social Justice Committee, New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies, 1996-2000.
  •        Founding Chair, Chessed Bereavement Services, 1996.
  •        Chair, Sydney Refugee Week Committee, 1996-1998.
  •        Member, Multicultural Advisory Committee, Sydney Olympic Games, 1996-2000.
  •        Member and former Treasurer, New South Wales Reconciliation Committee, 1996-1999.
  •        Regular Talkback Guest, Latenights with Tony Delroy, ABC radio, 1989-2001.
  •        Member, Detention Health Expert Advisory Group, Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs, 2006-2011.

It is her involvement with the broader multicultural community that resonates most

deeply with Amanda Gordon.

“It is very nice to know that I have made an impact” she said.

As a psychologist working for the mental health of detainees, she believes that the Award acknowledges the many layers of identity carried by those who have come to Australia.

“I am a fifth generation Australian and was raised to look out for the outsider and become involved with the wider world while still holding close to my Jewish heritage.

In my professional life I have worked towards helping people understand each other better. I continue to use my professional skills to support the community outside my workplace – in communication, mediation, mental health and connection” she told J-Wire.

With Shavuot coming up, she has been thinking about the idea of Ruth being seen as a stranger – the Other – which is the way refugees are often regarded.

Sharene Marie HAMBUR, VIC

Sharene Hambur

For significant service to the Jewish community, and to the law.

World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ)

  •        Secretary, current.
  •        UPJ Representative, Executive Board, since 2016.
  •        Co-Chair, Connections Biennial Conference, 2011-2013.
  •        Chair of Programming, 2013 Conference, 2011-2013.

Union for Progressive Judaism (UPJ)

  •        Former Vice-President.
  •        Former Secretary.
  •        Former Treasurer.
  •        Executive Committee Member, since ~early-2010s.

Executive Council of Australian Jewry

  •        Councillor, 2010s.
  •        Honorary Secretary, 2013-2016.
  •        Member of Committee of Management 2018-2023.

Zionism Victoria (formerly the State Zionist Council of Victoria)

  •        Immediate Past President, current.
  •        President, 2015-2020.
  •        Former Honorary Secretary.

Australian Union of Jewish Students

  •        Consultant and Mentor, current.
  •        Founder, Marlis Cohen OAM Leaders Award.
  •        Chairman, Board of AUJS Ltd.

Leo Baeck Centre

  •        President, 1993-1996.
  •        Former Member, Board of Management.
  •        Youth Representative, Board of Management, 1978.
  •        Former Leader, Youth Groups, 1970s.

Jewish – Other

  •        President, Progressive Judaism Victoria, 2003-2007.
  •        Former Executive Member, Jewish Community Council of Victoria.
  •        Former Executive Member, Zionist Federation of Australia.

The Law

  •        Special Counsel, specialising in property law, Clayton Utz Melbourne, since 2006.
  •        Special Counsel, Corrs, Chambers Westgarth, 2002-2006.
  •        Lawyer, admitted to the Victorian Bar, 1981.

“I am very overwhelmed by this honour and not sure I am deserving of it.

“I was brought up with the idea that if you could, you always gave something back to the community.  My grandparents and mother came here from Germany in 1939 and became very involved with the Jewish community.  I was brought up in that atmosphere” said Sharene Hambur.

She gives credit to her husband and family who have long supported her involvement in various causes and which has allowed her to spend so much time on them.

As Chairman of the Board of AUJS she feels immensely privileged to see the maturity of AUJS leaders and all the work and difficulties they are going through on campus.



Ida Kaplan

For significant service to community health, particularly within trauma recovery.

Victorian Foundation for the Survivors of Torture (VFST) – Foundation House

  • Research Consultant, since 2021.
  • Manager, Direct Services, 1995-2021.
  • Various other positions including Direct Services Manager, and Principal Consultant Practice and Research, 25 years.
  • Chair, Committee of Management, 1993-1994, and Member, 1991-2021.

National Health and Medical Research Council

  • Collaborator, Stronger Futures NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence, current.
  • Chief Investigator, one funded grant, since 2012.

Psychology – Other

  • Former Co-Convenor, Victorian Cross-Cultural Psychological Assessment Working Group (VCCPAWG).
  • Clinical Psychologist, current.
  • Research Fellow, Department of Psychological Sciences, The University of Melbourne, current.
  • Author, Rebuilding Shattered Lives: Integrated Trauma Recovery for People of Refugee Background, 2020.
  • Member, Australian Psychological Society, since 1975.

Daniel Robert MELTZ, NSW

Daniel Meltz

For significant service to the law, particularly through international arbitration and dispute resolution.

International Law

  •        Practitioner, International commercial arbitration, since late 1990s.
  •        Panel Member, International Centre for Dispute Resolution, American Arbitration Association, current.
  •        Panel Member, New Zealand International Arbitration Centre, current.
  •        Member, International Committee, New South Wales Bar Association, current.
  •        Country Rapporteur for Australia, Board of Reporters, Institute for Transnational Arbitratration, 2003-2011.
  •        Legal Secretary, Claims Resolution Tribunal for Dormant Accounts, Zurich, Switzerland, late 1990s.

Asian Development Bank

  •        Instigator, Technical Assistance Project, Promotion of International Arbitration Reform for Better Investment Climate in the South Pacific, (in conjunction with United Nations Commission on International Trade Law), since 2017.
  •        Expert International Commercial Arbitration Consultant, New York Convention, mid-2010s.

Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration

  •        Member, New South Wales State Committee, current.
  •        Fellow, 2013.

Asia-Pacific Forum for International Arbitration (formerly Australasian Forum for International Arbitration)

  •        Board Member, 2004-2009.
  •        Founding Member, 2004.

The Law

  •        Barrister, 12 Wentworth Selborne Chambers, current.
  •        Appointed, Counsel Assisting, various Commissions of Inquiry.
  •        Former Solicitor, International Commercial Arbitration Group, Clifford Chance, United Kingdom.
  •        Member, Society of Construction Law Australia.
  •        Barrister, since 2003.
  •        Solicitor, since 1994.


  •        Visiting Scholar, Law School, Stanford University, United States of America, 2022.
  •        Adjunct Professor, University of Technology, Sydney, 2015-2017.
  •        Adjunct Lecturer, International Commercial Arbitration LLM, University of New South Wales, 2005-2009.
  •        Lecturer, Diploma Course, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, 2003-2004.
  •        President, University of Sydney United Kingdom Alumni Association, London, 1999-2002.

“I have been working in the field of international arbitration for over 25 years as counsel, arbitrator and law reformer so it is an honour to be recognized for work which has been a career-long passion.

It also makes one reflect on all the circumstances, especially family, which enables the pursuit of these goals” Daniel Meltz told J-Wire.

“It is not often that in the realm of commercial law you can embark on work with a wider purpose so working with governments on international arbitration law reform in developing countries in our region to help increase foreign direct investment has been especially rewarding.

“I get involved because I enjoy the challenge of problem solving” he said.

“I had the privilege early in my career to work in Zurich on a tribunal arbitrating claims on assets held by Swiss banks which had not been returned to holocaust victims’ families and other victims of World War II.

The tribunal, which was consisted under the aegis of Paul Volcker, former Chair of the US Federal Reserve, had a lasting impact.

Not only were most victims’ assets rightfully returned to surviving family members, but as a result, Swiss banking law changed around secrecy,” he said.

Nicolette Liesbeth RUBINSZTEIN, South Coogee NSW 2034

Nicolette Rubinsztein

For significant service to business, particularly the finance and commerce sectors.


  •        Director, since 2015.
  •        Chair, Insurance Committee, since 2017.
  •        Member, Insurance Committee, since 2016.
  •        Member, Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee, since 2016.
  •        Chair, Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee, since 2023.

Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia

  •        Director, 2008-2015.
  •        Life Member.

Corporate Appointments

  •        Non-Executive Director, SuperEd, 2016-2022.
  •        Non-Executive Director, CBHS Health Fund, since 2018.
  •        Non-Executive Director, Zurich Australia, since 2019.
  •        Director, Class, 2017-2022.
  •        Vice President, BT Funds Management, 1998-2001.

Colonial First State

  •        General Manager, Retirement, 2001-2015.
  •        General Manager, Strategy, 2001-2009.

Other Professional

  •        Member, Chief Executive Women, current.
  •        Product Development Manager, Advance Funds Management, 1998-1999.
  •        Consultant, Towers Perrin, 1993-1998.
  •        Actuarial Assistant, Metropolitan, 1992-1993.

The Actuaries Institute

  •        President, 2019.
  •        Director, 2015-2019.
  •        Member, Plenary Organising Committee, current.

Greenpeace Australia Pacific

  •        Non-Executive Director, since 2020.
  •        Member, General Assembly, since 2019.
  •        Chair, Finance and Audit Committee, current.


  •        Chair, Missionvale Australia, current.

Awards and Recognition include:

  •        Distinguished Service Award, Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia, 2015.
  •        Industry Excellence Award, Financial Service Council, 2004.

“I’m feeling pretty chuffed. It’s a wonderful acknowledgement. I can’t help thinking how many other people deserve to receive it though” said Nicolette Rubinsztein.

“I’m passionate about issues- be they equality or climate change or justice.

I think that started at an early age.  As a child, I remember writing to Nestle about how they were promoting baby formula above breastfeeding to African mothers.”

She has been involved in many projects, but it is her work for gender equality that stand out for her.

“I wrote a book on career mums called “Not Guilty”, largely about my experiences of flexible working (I have worked flexibly and part time for the last 20 years, at one point as a General Manager at Colonial First State/ Commonwealth Bank).

When I was President of the Actuaries Institute in 2019, I dedicated my presidential address to the issue of gender diversity in actuaries.

When I peeled back the layers, the core issue is the low number of girls (only about one third) doing advanced and extension maths at school. This creates a challenge for the funnel to many professions, not just actuaries- engineers, funds management, technology.

A major contributor to this is cultural- we are not encouraging our girls in the same way as boys – girls are equally as capable at maths.  Other cultures are more successful at achieving equal numbers of boys and girls” she said.

Professor Peter Vernon VAN HEERDEN, Yokine WA 6060
For significant service to intensive care medicine, to professional associations, and to tertiary education.

Peter Van Heerden

Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, Jerusalem 

  •        Medical Director, Respiratory Service, since 2018.
  •        Medical Transplant Coordinator, since 2015.
  •        Director, General Intensive Care Unit, since 2015.
  •        Director, Medical Intensive Care Unit, 2013-2015.
  •        Intensive Care Physician, Medical Intensive Care Unit, 2012-2015.
  •        Visiting Professor, Medical Intensive Care Unit, six months, 2010.

Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital 

  •        Senior Intensive Care Specialist, SGCH and Hollywood Private Hospital, 2004-2012.
  •        Head, Department of Intensive Care, SCGH, 2000-2004.
  •        Staff Specialist Intensive Care, 1994-2000.
  •        Visiting Medical Officer, Intensive Care and Anaesthesia, St John of God Hospital, Hollywood Private Hospital, The Mount Hospital, 1994-2000.

International – Other

  •        Israeli National Representative, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, 2017-2021.
  •        Member, Israeli Society of Critical Care Medicine, since 2018.
  •        Medical Advisor, International Medical Evacuation and Referrals (iMER) Cyprus, since 2018.

School of Medicine and Pharmacology, The University of Western Australia 

  •        Clinical Professor, Pharmacology Unit, 2006-2018.
  •        Clinical Associate Professor, Pharmacology Unit, 2000-2006.
  •        Training of postgraduate doctors, 1992-2012.

Education – Other

  •        Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, since 2022.
  •        Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2012-2022.
  •        Visiting Professor, Intensive Care, European University of Cyprus, since 2018.
  •        Visiting Professor, The University of Notre Dame, Western Australia, 2008-2013.
  •        Former Editor-in-Chief, Critical Care and Resuscitation.
  •        Reviewer, various other international journals.
  •        Author and co-author of over 156 original papers in peer-reviewed journals.

College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand 

  •        Inaugural President, 2010.
  •        Council Member, 1992-2000.
  •        Dean, Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, 2008.
  •        Various other roles including Examiner, Supervisor of Training, and Unit Director.


  •        College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand.
  •        Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine of Ireland, 2011.
  •        Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, 2002.
  •        Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 2002.
  •        Faculty of Intensive Care, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, 1994.

Awards and Recognition include:

  •        Intensive Care Medal, College of Intensive Care Medicine Australia and New Zealand, 2019.

“It is a great honour to have received this award and I feel it is indeed the crowning achievement of my career in medicine.

A career in intensive care medicine is very demanding and I have only achieved what I have with the help, understanding and love of my family” Peter Van Heerden told J-Wire.

“In Intensive care medicine we deal with the sickest and most vulnerable patients.

When there is a good outcome, as is most often the case, there is an amazing amount of satisfaction at the effort we have put in as a team – doctors, nurses and allied health staff.

That and the technical aspects of dealing with organ failure, such as mechanical ventilation or dialysis makes for fascinating work every day” he said.

Working with the Joint Faculty of Intensive Care (JFICM), the peak body for training of intensive care specialists in Australia and New Zealand was something in his career that stands out for him.

“It was also particularly satisfying to be part of the team that negotiated the establishment of the College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and NZ (CICM) from this body. CICM is now proudly and independently taking care of the training and standards of intensive care specialists in Australia and NZ.

Taking care of huge numbers of critically ill patients during the COVID-19 pandemic meant that Intensive care specialists really stepped up and dealt with the sickest COVID-19 patients, achieving good outcomes, often under extremely difficult working conditions.

It is a privilege to treat the wounded civilians and soldiers injured since October 7th attack in Israel. The huge love and attention given to the injured soldiers as they arrive by helicopter direct from Gaza is satisfying and heartwarming” he said.

Being appointed as a full professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem was also a highlight, particularly as he arrived in Israel with only basic Hebrew skills.

“I shall treasure the award bestowed upon me by Australia, where I still have strong and happy connections” he said.

Leonard Stanley VARY, South Yarra VIC 3141

Leonard Vary

For significant service to the philanthropic sector, to the LGBTIQA+ community, and to the arts.

The Myer Foundation and Sidney Myer Fund

Chief Executive Officer, since 2011.

Committee and Advisory Roles

  •        Director, Advisory Board, Kin Group, since 2014.
  •        Board Member, Creative Partnerships Australia Ltd, 2019-2023.
  •        Board Member, Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership, 2019-2022.
  •        Former Judge, Ballarat International Foto Biennale.
  •        Former Member, Creative Industries Strategy Expert Reference Group.
  •        Member, Victorian Selection Panel, Australian of the Year Awards, 2018.


  •        Co-Chair, Equality Australia, current.
  •        Member, Advisory Council, ‘Outstanding 50 Report’, Australian Financial Review, 2020.
  •        Member, Judging Panel, GLOBE Awards, 2019-2020.
  •        Advisor/Fundraiser, National Marriage Equality Campaign, 2016-2017.
  •        Foundational Donor, Victorian Pride Centre, St Kilda.


Malthouse Theatre

  •        Board Member, 2009-2017.
  •        Chair, Nominations Committee.
  •        Member, Audit and Risk Committee.


Centre for Contemporary Photography

  •        Chair, 2011-2015.
  •        Deputy Chair, 2008-2011.


Melbourne International Festival of the Arts

  •        Vice-President, 2001-2007.
  •        Former Chair, Nominations Committee.
  •        Former Member, Audit, Finance and Risk Committee.


Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne

  •        Member, Competition Law Advisory Board, Graduate Program in Law, 2007-2011.
  •        Member, Strategic Advisory Board, Graduate Program in Law, 2001-2007.


Linfox Group of Companies

  •        Executive Director, Fox Private Group, 2000-2011.
  •        President, Human Resources, 2009-2011.
  •        General Counsel and Company Secretary, 1994-2009.


Clayton Utz

  •        Senior Associate, 1990-1993.
  •        Solicitor, 1987-1990.



  •        Fellow, Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Awards and Recognition include:

  •        Named, ‘Outstanding 50 LGBTI role models’, Australian Financial Review, 2016 and 2018.

“Being a recipient of this Award means it is recognition of many decades of work in fields which bring me great satisfaction. So, it is rather startling that one is celebrated for doing things that are enjoyable.
“I love the arts, theatre and working for LGBTIQA issues and these have led to this delightful outcome” said Leonard Vary.
“These important parts of my life and work have come together longitudinally to my great personal satisfaction. I suppose my involvement with the push for marriage equality was something that gave me particular satisfaction” he said.
He is very happy to be included in the list of Jewish recipients which shows the myriad ways that Jews contribute to Australia in an open and transparent way.


The late Dr David ZYNGIER, Caulfield North VIC 3161

David Zyngier

For significant service to tertiary education, and to the community of Glen Eira.

Civics Education for Democracy

  •        Researcher/Developer, Thai Teachers Civic and Citizenship: Enhancing Thai Democracy through Education Links to Australia Project, 2016-2020.
  •        Co-Director/Developer, Democracy, Political Literacy and the Quest for Transformative Education, Global Doing Democracy Research Project, 2013-2016.
  •        Researcher/Developer, The Australian Constitution and Education for Democracy Project, 2014.
  •        Developer, Educators and Education for Democracy: Moving Beyond ‘Thin’ Democracy, 2010 and 2013-2016.
  •        Researcher, Doing Democracy Research Project, 2011.
  •        Developer, Are You Making a Difference (ruMAD) program for schools, Foundation for Young Australians, 2000.

Committee and Advisory Roles

  •        Former Chair, Citizenship and Democratic Education, Comparative and International Education Society, United States of America.
  •        Former Education Policy Advisor, Constitution Education Fund Australia, Ardoch Foundation, Rationalist Society of Australia and Fairness in Religion in Schools.

Australian Council of Education Leaders

  •        Former Expert Commentator.
  •        Fellow, 2017.


  •        Adjunct Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Southern Cross University, 2018-2023.
  •        Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education, Monash University, 2003-2019.


  •        Former Member, Editorial Boards including: ‘Teaching and Teacher Education’; ‘Gender in Education’; ‘International Journal on School Disaffection’; ‘Education, Journal of International Students’; ‘International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning’; and ‘Creative Education’.
  •        Author, over 60 peer-reviewed journal articles, 30 non-peer reviewed journal articles, and 11 book chapters.
  •        Author/Commentator, Educational issues, professional educational publications, newspapers, television and radio interviews and invited presentations to educational and teaching organisations, 2010s-2020s.
  •        Co-author, ‘Can Education Make a Difference? Experimenting with, and Experiencing, Democracy in Education’, Information Age Publishing, 2012.
  •        Founder/Host, ‘Public Education Network’, Facebook, late 2010s.


  •        Education Consultant, Education Foundation, 1997-2002.
  •        Principal, Secondary schools, 1995-2001.
  •        Principal, The King David School, Victoria, 1994-1996.
  •        Teacher, Victorian schools, 1981-1994.

Glen Eira City Council

  •        Councillor, Camden Ward, 2020-2023.
  •        Former Member, Metropolitan Transport Forum.
  •        Former Member, Local Government Working Group on Gambling.
  •        Former Member, Community Engagement Committee.
  •        Former Member, Sustainability Committee.
  •        Former Member, Multicultural Advisory Committee.

Jewish Community

  •        Committee Member, Australian Jewish Democratic Society, 1999-2002, and 2005-2010.
  •        Former Member, Kehilat Nitzan Synagogue.
  •        Advocate, Jewish LGBTQIA+ rights.
  •        Former Member, Jewish Climate Network.


  •        Co-founder, Glen Eira Emergency Climate Action Network.
    Former Volunteer, Courage to Care and Father Bob Foundation.


  •        European Union Erasmus Mundis Research Fellowship, Science Po University, Paris.
  •        Discovery Grant for Early Career Researchers, Australian Research Council, 2014-2016.

Awards and Recognition include:

  •        Dean’s Award for Research Impact on the Community, Monash University, 2015.
  •        Dean’s Award for Early Career Researcher, Monash University, 2014.

David Zyngier, who died in November 2023, was unaware that he had been put forward to receive an award.

His widow, Dr Suzanne Zyngier, said he would been thrilled and delighted to receive it.

“David’s over-arching issues were with equality and democracy – democratic values. He believed this was best achieved through education.

He saw education as a means of teaching people that democracy does not mean just turning up to vote but it is a privilege and a responsibility.

Both his parents were Holocaust survivors which is what drove his passion for making the world a better place.

“He was the most wonderful husband, father and all-round mensch!” she said.


Kalman BLOCH, Vaucluse NSW 2030

Kalman Bloch

For service to the community through Lions International.

Lions Club of Bondi, Lions Clubs International

  •        Former President
  •        Former Secretary, more than 20 years.
  •        Former Editor, Lions Bulletin.
  •        Former District Cake Chairperson.
  •        Life Member.
  •        Member, since 1968.

Awards and Recognition include:

  •        50 Year Monarch Certificate, Lions Clubs Australia.
  •        Ted Tricker Memorial Bulletin Award, Lions Clubs International, 2012.
  •        William R Tresise Fellowship Award, Australian Lions Foundation, 2008.
  •        President’s Award for Outstanding Leadership, Lions Clubs International, 1996.
  •        Melvin Jones Fellowship, Lions Clubs International, 1988, and 1989.

Kalman Bloch says that his many years of involvement with the Lions Club mean everything to him.

For 60 years he has spent all his free time raising money for Lions Club in any way he can.

“This honour is testament to my father’s enduring support for the disadvantaged and under-privileged in local and international communities” his daughter Jo-Anne Bloch told J-Wire.

Kalman was also the driving force behind the annual Magic Show at the Enmore Theatre, where thousands of kids from disadvantaged backgrounds were treated to a free afternoon of magic and excitement.

“For over 20 years, his pride and joy became the Lions Bulletin, which he compiled, edited and distributed. A newsletter packed with family, community and Lions activities and good humour, it won him numerous awards, and importantly recognised the efforts of Lions Club members and promoted their many charitable ventures.

He still attends monthly Lions Club meetings, and is an enthusiastic Lions Christmas Cakes salesman, averaging 3,000 cake sales each year.

His motto has always been: “Service is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” He has never wavered from this belief and has, in the process, helped thousands of people of all ages live better lives” said Jo-Anne.


Dr George Bryan FOSTER, Abbotsford NSW 2046

George Foster

For service to the Jewish community of New South Wales.

Australian Association of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Descendants (AAJHS&D) 

  •        President, 1999-2010, 2013-2014, and since 2021.
  •        Vice-President, 1990-1999.
  •        Honorary Secretary, 1988-1990.
  •        AAJHS&D Representative, Holocaust Survivors Advisory Committee, JewishCare, 20 years.
  •        Member, since 1985.

Southern Sydney Synagogue 

  •        President, 1996-1998, and since 2015.
  •        Vice-President, 1989-1995.
  •        Member, Board of Directors, 1987-1988, and 1999-2014.
  •        President, Sunday School P&C, 1987-1988.
  •        Life Member, 2021.

New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies 

  •        Chair, Shoah Remembrance Committee, 2004-2006.
  •        JBD Representative, NSW Jewish War Memorial Community Centre, many years.
  •        JBD Representative, Civil Chaplaincies Advisory Committee, 2008-2019.

Jewish – Other 

  •        Volunteer and Speaker, Limmud Oz, several occasions.
  •        Former Board Member, Sydney Jewish Museum.

Apex Caringbah (now Caringbah/Cronulla) 

  •        President, 1979-1980.
  •        Treasurer, 1980-1981.
  •        Vice-President, 1985-1986.
  •        Social Director, 1984-1985.
  •        Dinner Notice, 1986-1987, 1981-1982.
  •        Life Member, 1987.

Apex Zone or Association Roles:

  •        Coordinator, National Service Scheme Drug Awareness Campaign, 1978-1979.
  •        Sydney Chair, 1993 National Convention Committee, 1980-1983.
  •        Apex Representative, Herald Community Service Clubs Awards Committee, 1983-1986.
  •        Chair, District Convention Organising Committee, 1984.


  •        Consultant Psychiatrist, private practice Caringbah and Miranda, 1985-2009.

George Foster told J-Wire: Obviously, it’s a great honour. And particularly because it recognizes my many years of devoted service to the Jewish community. But I couldn’t have done it without my wife, Margaret. We work as a team. We’ve been married for almost 54 years now. She’s been a great support to the association and to me when I was the synagogue president.”


Annette Linda GLADWIN, VIC

Annette Gladwin

For service to the Jewish community of Victoria.

B’nai B’rith

  •        News researcher/liaison officer, Anti-Defamation Commission, over 40 years.
  •        Facilitator, Courage to Care educational programs in Victoria, 20 years.
  •        Committee Member/Secretary, Unit Akiba, over 40 years.
  •        Committee Member/Organiser, Showcase, over 10 years.

“I am deeply honoured to be receiving this Award for my service to the Jewish community of Victoria. This award comes as a special surprise and is entirely unexpected”, Annette Gladwin told J-Wire.

“In today’s challenging environment, combating virulent antisemitism, Holocaust denial, racial hatred, and the numerous unfair and false attacks on Israel, is of utmost importance for our Jewish community.

Reflecting on my work over the years, I am moved to realise its significance in promoting tolerance, respect, and resilience within our multicultural society.”

I must commend B’nai B’rith Courage to Care for their remarkable efforts in educating and empowering thousands of students to reject prejudice, bullying, and discrimination. Encouraging “Upstander” behaviour over bystander behaviour is particularly crucial amidst the prevalence of discrimination, prejudice, and hate in our times.

Courage to Care’s motto, emphasising the power of ordinary people to make a positive difference in the lives of others, rings profoundly true” she said.

Geoffrey Brian KAYE  Perth, WA

Geoff Kaye

For service to education, particularly STEM.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Professionals in Schools, CSIRO

  •        Volunteer, STEM Projects, Coolbinia Primacy School, 2017-2023.

Holocaust Institute of WA

  •        Volunteer, 2011-2021.

It Takes a Spark STEM Conference, Western Australia

  •        Presenter, John Curtin College of the Arts, 2019.
  •        Presenter, St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls, 2021.
  •        Presenter, Peter Carnley Anglican Community School, 2022.

Education – Other

  •        Account Executive, Compu.Ed, 1999-2023.
  •        Board Member, Sutherland Dianella Primary School, 2018-2021.
  •        Volunteer, Kids Teaching Kids Conference, Earthworks Australia.

Geoff Kaye told J-Wire he is not celebrating on the King’s Birthday. He said: “It’s not a holiday in WA and my wife and I are going to celebrate the award in August at the same time as our 60th wedding anniversary.”

Rabbi Mendy LITZMAN, NSW

Rabbi Mendy Litzman

For service to the community through emergency response organisations.


  •        Founder and President, Hatzolah Sydney Inc (all-volunteer emergency medical service), since 2006.
  •        Member, Clinical Volunteer Responder network, NSW Ambulance, since 2012.

Mendy Litzman is humbled by being awarded the OAM. J-Wire if Hatzolah has been cemented as an integral part of Sydney community. He replied: “Yesterday we had five emergencies and so far today we have had four. We’re happy that we’re able to help people every single day.”

I was born in the States at the same time as Hatzolah and when I arrived in Australia in 2000 I could see that there was Hatzolah. I got married in 2004 and we started to establish Hatzolah in Sydney”

Hatzolah depends on donations from the community and in 2024 has three marked vehicles and 50 volunteers.


Jennifer Lea Morris, Roseville NSW 2069

Jenny Morris

For service to women through leadership and mentoring roles.

Women for Election (Australia)

  •        Emeritus Chair, since 2021.
  •        Former Chair.
  •        Founder, 2014.


Women and Leadership

  •        Board Member, Women’s Indigenous Network, 2014-2015.
  •        Co-Chair and Executive Council Member, NSW Equal Employment Opportunity Practitioners Association (NEEOPA – now The Inclusion Circle), 2006-2010.
  •        Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Orijen Group, since 2000.
  •        Facilitator, Women in IT Executive Mentoring (WITEM) Coaching Circles, DELL, since 2012.



  •       Chair, NSW Volunteer Council, National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN), 2007-2009.
  •       Former Teacher and School Counsellor.

Awards and Recognition include:

  •        Westpac/AFR 100 Women of Influence, 2014.

In accepting this honour, Jenny Morris expressed her gratitude and shared her joy upon receiving the award. “I am deeply honoured to receive the Order of Australia Medal. This recognition is not just a reflection of my work but also of the incredible support and trust I have received from so many wonderful people throughout my career. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone I have had the privilege to work with. Your trust and collaboration have been instrumental in achieving this milestone.”

In a remarkable family achievement, Jenny Morris is one of 5 grandchildren of the late Solomon Morris to receive this esteemed honour. Alongside Jenny, her brother and three cousins[1] have also been awarded the Order of Australia Medal, making a total of five recipients within the same family – a feat that is believed to be a record.

Jenny also took a moment to reflect on her family’s legacy and the significance of their collective achievements. “It is incredibly humbling to know that I have joined my cousins and brother in receiving this award. Our grandfather passed away before any of us had the chance to know him, but his spirit and values clearly live on through the accomplishments of his grandchildren. This is a proud moment for our entire family.”

She joins family members Robyn Lenn OAM 2005, Dianne Hirsch OAM 2009, , Jeanette Tsoulos OAM 2023, Michael Morris OAM 2023.

Rabbi Jacqueline NINIO, Kingsford NSW 2032

Rabbi Jacqueline Ninio

For service to the Jewish community, and to interfaith organisations.

Emanuel Synagogue

  •        Senior Associate Rabbi, since 2004.
  •        Founder, Women’s Rosh Chodesh Group, since 1999.
  •        Associate Rabbi, 1998-2004.
  •        Principal, Hebrew and Religion School, 1999-2006.
  •        Social Justice Committee, since 2001.


Assembly of Rabbis and Cantors, Union for Progressive Judaism of Australia, New Zealand and Asia

  •        Treasurer, 2021-2022.
  •        Secretary, 2020-2021.
  •        Chair, 2003-2005.
  •        Former Vice Chair.
  •        Vice Chair, since 2023.
  •        Member, current.

Jewish Organisations – Other

  •        Member, Executive Committee, Union for Progressive Judaism.
  •        Supporter, Dayenu, since early 2000s.
  •        Member, Jewish Sustainability Initiative

Interfaith Organisations

  •        Member, Australian Dialogue of Muslims, Christians and Jews.
  •        Member, Australian Dialogue with Uniting Church.
  •        Member, Dialogue Jews and Catholic Bishops.
  •        Member, Council of Christians and Jews Theology Committee.


  •        Member, Sydney IVF (Genea) Ethics Committee, 2008-2019.

Jacqui Ninio told J-Wire: “I feel incredibly honoured and incredibly humbled to receive this award and it’s an acknowledgement of so much of the elements of what I do and also, I feel.

I also think that for women, it’s a real acknowledgment of being a woman in the rabbinic world and to become the first female rabbi to receive an honour in this way.”

She spoke of her interfaith work saying: “I think, especially at this time in history, and with everything happening in the world, it just is even more important for us to continue that dialogue and to try to keep open those relationships and connections that we’ve built over many years. We’ve created a real sense of trust and connection between not just us as faith leaders but also as people you know and as individuals. And I feel like the strength of those connections have been very powerful at this time.”

Asked how she will The King’s Birthday, she said: “I will attend a function on Monday and be talking about Jeremy Jones, on a panel about Jeremy Jones, and it’s really significant for me because he was someone who from the moment I arrived in Sydney he really welcomed me into the interfaith dialogue, discussion groups and spaces. He was always open, including me and bringing me to a seat at the table. In many his many communal hats. And he was so supportive and welcoming and really made such a difference.”

Kathy Sharon SHAND
For service to the arts, and to the community.

Kathy Shand

Sydney Writers’ Festival

  •        Chair, since 2022.
  •        Deputy Chair, since 2019.
  •        Board Member, since 2014.

Sydney Opera House

  •        Member, Development Committee, since 2020.
  •        Benefactor, since 2013.

Jewish Communal Appeal

  •        Member, Engagement and Fundraising Committee.
  •        Non-Trustee Governor, and Chair of Engagement, 2015-2019.

Sydney Jewish Museum

  •        Former Board Member.
  •        Donor, current.


  •        Member, Board of Directors, Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation, 2006-2012.
  •        Member, Board of Directors, The Royal Hospital for Women Foundation, 1997-2003.


  •        Former Board Member, State Library of New South Wales Foundation.
  •        Non-Executive Director, Next Generation Private Ancillary Fund, since 2021.
  •        Benefactor, The Moriah Foundation, current.
  •        Co-Publisher, Australian Jewish News, 1992-2007.

Kathy Shand told J-Wire: “Im thrilled to receive this honour for working in a space that I am passionate about and believe is so important especially right now when the world is so fractured.
The Arts and in particular literature and writing of all kinds can bring people together develop understanding of different cultures and peoples and I hope that I am playing some part in making this happen.

And what will I be doing on Monday – I hope that I will be celebrating with family and friends and perhaps finding some quiet time to read a book.”


This report was produced by Roz Tarszis and Henry Benjamin

Did we miss anyone? Let us know by emailing


2 Responses to “King’s Birthday Honours 2024”
  1. Lynne Newington says:

    No doubt about our Jewish community, although our paths will never cross this side of Heaven, it’s nice to see the faces to the names……..
    Just in case …..

  2. mikeybear says:

    I’m thrilled David Zyngier’s life achievements have been acknowledged in such a special way. He was truly deserving.

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