Kenny’s Kitchen

January 21, 2019 by Community newsdesk
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Malaysian Kenny Kevin Widjaja came to Sydney’s Our Big Kitchen on a chef apprenticeship through Le Cordon Bleu Chefs Australia.

Kenny Kevin Widjaja

Kenny won 2018 Excellence in Industry Hans Schings Award in recognition of outstanding performance in the Industry Placement program, and for representing Le Cordon Bleu to the highest standard in the culinary industry. The award winners received a mini shield and tuition scholarship to the value of $2,000 towards the Le Cordon Bleu Australia Advanced Diploma of Hospitality.

This was for his amazing contribution to Our Big Kitchen. Kenny interned at OBK from 16 April – 12 September 2018, going above and beyond and helping the far-reaching community.

This was a fantastic collaboration between Kenny, Le Cordon Bleu and OBK with Kenny being awarded the best intern across his class.

Sydney’s Our Big Kitchen prides itself on educating and empowering people.

When coming up with the name many people suggested “My Big Kitchen”. However, Rabbi Dr Dovid Slavin and Laya Slavin say it is everyone’s Kitchen.

Everyone from our kind and caring community can make it their home and place to help others. And Kenny sure did!

Rabbi Dr Dovid Slavin told J-Wire: “Le Cordon Bleu is an incredible chef and hospitality academy, who have dedicated staff, students and is a Global Education Leader”

His assessor noted: “He is an exceptional member of our team, he is very enthusiastic, and his work ethic and attention to detail is outstanding. His skills in the kitchen will be greatly missed by all when he moves on and we believe he will be a success in all his future endeavours.”

Be on the lookout, Kenny may just be the next best chef of Malaysian cuisine!

Report from: Shannon Cohen


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