KA has its say

January 27, 2014 by  
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Recently the JCA and NSW Jewish Board of Deputies  made a statement announcing a commission of enquiry into the kosher food industry in New South Wales. The KA responds…

Baron Revelman, president of the KA has sent J-Wire the following statement.

Baron Revelman

Baron Revelman

“The Kashrut Authority (The KA) supports any sincere initiative that has as its ultimate aim, the improvement and strengthening of the provision of kosher goods and services to the ever growing kosher community.

However in some of the statements published in the press, there were a number of inaccuracies, some of which we correct here for the record.

It was alleged The KA has not agreed to an independent audit. The KA’s accounts have been audited since 1990 by Peter Hersh of Logicca – one of the most respected independent auditors in our community. The KA offered, and until the day of the inquiry announcement believed that the JCA had agreed, to have Mr Hersh perform any further auditing they requested.

It was alleged The KA did not agree to changes in its lay structure. The KA agreed to add new members and has already held preliminary discussions with some of the candidates recommended by the JCA/JBOD. It should be noted that The KA has always fulfilled its statutory requirements in the operation of an incorporated association.

It was alleged The KA is not rabbinically accountable. The KA is accountable to the Sydney Beth Din which is in turn accountable to other Batei Din and peer Kashrut Agencies the world over. It is this accountability that has enabled The KA to gain such universal worldwide respect and recognition and be granted the coveted membership of the international Association of Kashrus Organisations.

All the kashrut agencies in Melbourne, and almost all in the world, are all accountable in a similar manner.

In addition there is a formal liaison committee between The KA and the Rabbinical Council of NSW where matters of mutual interest can be discussed.

It was alleged The KA makes decisions in the sourcing of product or regulating competition. To do so would likely be in contravention of trade practices law in Australia and suggesting that we do so is defamatory. The KA sets kashrut policies and standards that all its licensees must equally abide by, and grants licenses without discrimination to all who agree to abide by those policies and standards.

The KA is proud that, currently, there are more products and services available to the kosher consumer than ever before at a world recognized standard.


Baron M Revelman

President – The Kashrut Authority.


One Response to “KA has its say”
  1. Usual rhetoric that is not Truthful. KA being reportable to the Beth Din is hardly an accounting, considering the same people are involved and they all are Chabad. NSWJBD touts transparancy, and does a Commission into KA – however as usual, all submissions have to go to KA not elsewhere, so they can conveniently bin any submission against them, which has been the status of both the KA and Beth Din for decades. At what point in time, will this sick joke cease? Do you really expect the Australian Jewish Community to swallow this? With every step, the NSWJBD, KA and Beth Din lose further credibility. If it isnt already beyond repair.

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