Julie Bishop “dismayed and disappointed”
Australia’s Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has told the Executive Council of Australian Jewry that the UNESCO’s draft decision denying a Jewish connection to the Western Wall and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is “Highly politicised unbalanced and provocative”.

Julie Bishop
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop had responded to a letter received from the Executive Council of Australian Jewry earlier this month.
She wrote: ” I am dismayed and disappointed that this draft decision was adopted by the UNESCO Executive Board.” She added: “It reflects poorly on UNESCO as an institution.”
Ms Bishop also expressed her concern “by the use of only the Islamic names of the holy sites”. She added: “This wording could be seen as an attempt to alter the status quo at these Jewish and Islamic holy sites.”
The Foreign Minister pointed out that Australia is not a member of the Executive Board of United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation but made “strong representations to key members as well as Director-General Irina Bokova ahead of the decision”.
Although Australia’s effort were unsuccessful, Julie Bishop wrote to ECAJ president Robert Goot and executive director Peter Wertheim that she was pleased to see of reports of an apology by the Head of the Executive Board to Israel.
She added: “I am pleased by the Director-General’s statement on October 14 calling for explicit recognition of each community’s history and relationship with Jerusalem.”
ECAJ President Robert Goot welcomed the Foreign Minister’s response, saying: “The Foreign Minister is to be commended for her timely action in seeking to revise or reverse this unjust resolution, before it was adopted by the UNESCO Executive Board. Her strong criticisms of the resolution are entirely justified. We are also most gratified that the Foreign Minister was so prompt in keeping us informed of the actions she took.”
Exactly David and Lynne – however don’t shoot the messenger
This is a first GREAT step to rectifying and sanctifying. The woman has clout and
Great morals – let’s see if she can help to put things right.
I have a long memory I’m afraid regardless of the subject she’s a lawyer and a politician and I doubt there’s anything she can do but good luck. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/breaking-news/bishops-lawyer-work-a-source-of-shame/story-e6frf7kf-1226525303554
Ms Bishop will have far greater moral clout if she stresses UNESCO’s decision is offensive to world Christians as well as Jews.
The UNESCO decision tears up both the Old and New Testaments and consigns the beliefs and history of the Jews and Christians to the garbage bin.
Julie Bishop didn’t state West Bank settlements were legal either http://www.theaustralian.com.au/opinion/columnists/an-occupation-with-semantics-wont-crack-the-mideast-puzzle/story-e6frg76f-1226947643166
Julie Bishop seems to have forgotten that these sites are also Christian holy sites.
Material omission or accidental oversight?
I was going to suggest Pope Francis may wade in on the discussion but I doubt it..