Julia’s praise for Frank

July 6, 2010 Agencies
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Prime Minister Julia Gillard preceded her immigration speech at the Lowy Institute in Sydney today with words of praise for the Institute’s founder…

Steven Lowy, Mark Ryan, Prime Minister Julia Gillard, David Lowy and Michael Wesley

She said: “I am very thankful to the Lowy Institute for hosting me today.

This Institute has established a reputation for independent, robust and forceful analysis of our nation’s place in the world. It is exactly the right place to make today’s address: /Moving Australia Forward/.

I first would like to acknowledge the enormous contribution of the Institute’s founding benefactor, Frank Lowy. Frank Lowy is a great Australian. He was a refugee who escaped to Israel after World War Two in a
crowded boat full of asylum seekers.

After fighting for Israel, he arrived on our shores as a very determined 21 year old. He worked hard and went from factory worker to milk bar owner to Blacktown shopping centre developer and, in time, to the largest retail
property group in the world – truly great achievements, and what a remarkable story.

As the Socceroos’ number one supporter, no doubt Frank’s had some frustrating recent weeks in South Africa, but I think both the Socceroos and Frank foughtproudly for Australia.

But down to the business of today.

…and the then the Prime Minister delivered her Moving Australia Forward address…

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