Jul-05 Zoom: In Conversation with Rabbi Jeffrey Kamins: Honouring First Nations sovereignty
Sydney’s Emanuel Synagogue welcomes three important voices to our In Conversation series with Rabbi Jeffrey Kamins.

Thomas Mayor studies the artwork

Stephen Rothman
Justice Stephen Rothman was appointed as a Justice of the Supreme Court of New South Wales after a lengthy career as a barrister. For about 5 years, he chaired the Ngara Yura Committee of the NSW Judicial Commission, which liaises with the Aboriginal community and seeks to educate judicial officers about issues particularly affecting the community.
For four years until August 2004, he was the President of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies and is currently the President of The Great Synagogue, Sydney.
Wiradjuri and Wailwan woman Teela Reid is a powerful campaigner and lawyer. She was involved as a working group leader on section 51(xxvi), the Races Power, in the Constitutional dialogue process that culminated in the Uluru Statement from the Heart. She was the first Aboriginal person to be elected on the UNSW Law Society as Vice-President (Social Justice), and the Inaugural recipient of the NSW Indigenous Barristers Trust award. In 2017, Teela was selected to attend Harvard University as a global Emerging Leader. On her return to Australia, Teela fearlessly took Prime Minister Turnbull to task on Q&A after his dismissal of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

Teela Reid
Thomas Mayor is a Zenadth Kes (Torres Strait Islander) man born and living on Larrakia country in Darwin. Following the Uluru Convention, Thomas was entrusted to carry the sacred canvas of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and embarked on an eighteen-month journey around the country to garner support for a constitutionally enshrined First Nations voice, and a Makarrata Commission for truth-telling and agreement-making or treaties. Thomas will read extracts from his book ‘Finding the Heart of the Nation’.
The urgency of structural change in Australia to honour First Nations sovereignty by enshrining a powerful First Nations Voice in the Constitution. The time to act is now!
Please register to join us on online on Sunday 5 July at 5:00 pm for this important conversation: https://www.emanuel.org.au/event/first-nations