Josh Small finishes the job

July 25, 2013 by  
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Josh Small’s father Greg died in the Maccabi Bridge disaster in 1997…on his way to the opening ceremony and a member of the ten tin bowling team. This week, his son Josh won the medal his late father sought.


The Australian ten pin bowling triples team of Adam Goldberg, Josh Small and Matt Doobov took out the silver medal after being narrowly beaten by Israel for the gold.

For Josh, the medal marks another step on the journey to finish what his father Greg attempted to accomplish in 1997 before his life was cut short in the Bridge Collapse tragedy.

Each bowler bowled 6 games with their cumulative total of 3679 pins falling just short of the Israelis, who finished only 22 pins ahead. The final result was decided on the final frame of the competition.

Josh stated that it was hard to identify the emotions he felt following the realisation that he had won a medal.

“I am definitely emotionally relieved to have finished what my father started. This medal is as much for my dad as it is for me.

“This medal represents the Small name.”

Team captain Phil Sachs was over the moon following the win.

“Extremely proud of the boys,” he said.

“They fought all day and dug deep when it counted. The Israelis have all the support at the bowl and the boys did well under the extremely tough conditions.”

Tomorrow is the five-man teams event and Australia have a strong chance to add to their medal tally and after today’s performance, the rest of the field is sure to be looking over their shoulders.


2 Responses to “Josh Small finishes the job”
  1. Yosi says:

    Well done Josh ,Adam and Matt.What a great achievement..

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