JewishCare Capital Appeal – Just in Time

October 22, 2010 by Henry Benjamin
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With one week to go for Sydney’s JewishCare Capital Appeal, the project for which half of the funds is targeted is about to get underway.Waverley Council has given the go-ahead to demolish the existing Burger House in Bondi Junction’s Saber St to make way for the planned $4m new JewishCare headquarters.

Spokesman Warren Hurst told J-Wire: “We have received commitments of almost $3 million and are hoping to reach the target of $4m during the final week. Half the money will be needed for the new Centre to top up what we expect from the sale of our current headquarters.”

Another cause for concern is the plight of elderly Holocaust Survivors. Hurst said that there was an indication that the Claims Conference which has allocated $1m a year for their benefit could cease support. JewishCare are creating provision to make up the shortfall should that happen.

Hurst said that demolition of the Burger Centre could start as early as next week.

In the meantime, J-Wire publishes a gallery of major donors to the current Appeal.

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