Jewish Labour Movement passes vote of no confidence in party head Jeremy Corbyn

April 9, 2019 by JNS
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The Jewish Labour Movement (JLM) almost unanimously passed a motion of no-confidence in British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn on Sunday following an “impassioned debate,” said the group in a statement.

Jeremy Corbyn

JLM’s annual general meeting of its approximately 2,000 members voted that Labour consists of a “culture of antisemitism” that has created a “crisis.”

“Jewish members of the Labour Party have come together in anger and frustration to make it clear to the leadership that enough really must be enough,” said Labour member Ruth Smeeth. “The mood was very somber. The party has to shine a light on what’s really going on; it’s time for the Labour Party to remove itself from its own disciplinary and complaints process, and hand it to an independent body.”

The vote followed a Sunday Times report about Labour refusing to take disciplinary action in complaints of antisemitic incidents.

The newspaper obtained a hard drive consisting of a confidential database, in addition to leaked emails and documents demonstrating that Labour has intervened in just 101 out of 863 complaints made by March 8, 2019, with 454 cases still unresolved, including 249 where the party has yet to conduct an investigation.

In the cases where a decision was made, 191 members faced no additional action, 145 received a formal warning, and only 29 were expelled.

Members who made remarks, including “Heil Hitler,” “F*** the Jews” and “Jews are the problem,” haven’t been kicked out in spite of complaints filed against them last year, according to the report.

“The Labour Party takes all complaints of antisemitism extremely seriously, and we are committed to rooting it out of our party,” a spokesperson told the BBC. “All complaints about antisemitism are fully investigated in line with our rules and procedures.”

“Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party are fully committed to the support, defense and celebration of the Jewish community,” added the spokesperson. “One anti-Semite in our party is one too many. We are determined to tackle antisemitism and root it out.”



3 Responses to “Jewish Labour Movement passes vote of no confidence in party head Jeremy Corbyn”
  1. Rafi Plotkin says:

    Amazing how an uneducated anti Semitic ignorant bigot became head of the Labour Party.
    He only attained 2 A levels at school with the lowest grades and then flunked out after one semester at a low ranked university that was previously a polytechnic.
    Perhaps a sign of how cunning, devious and manipulative he is.
    Every time someone mentions Israel his left eye twitches.

    • Adrian Jackson says:

      Now don’t get personal about his education. Finishing university does not necessarily make one a genius either.

      Like him or not he is the leader of the UK Labour Party and the way the UK Conservatives are imploding currently he will likely be PM after the next UK election.

    • Adrian Jackson says:

      Rafi – some of Australia’s better political leaders, in the past, did not have a degree. WW1 PM Billy Hughes – umbrella maker, WW2 PM Ben Chifley – train driver, Victoria Premier Sir Henry Bolte – farmer and Victoria Premier Jeff Kennett – small businessman.

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