Jewish House launches COVID-19 community portal
Sydney’s Jewish House has announced the launch of the JH COVID-19 Crisis Portal, a crisis response online portal for community members.
This website portal will host health, education, communication and crisis support toolkits and resources to help you through these times.
To access the portal, click here.
CEO of Jewish House Rabbi Mendel Kastel states: “Need never sleeps. JH continues to work around the clock to provide support and care to people in our community impacted by crisis during these times.
We are providing crisis and temporary accommodation each night across our six properties for up to 85 people who would otherwise have nowhere to sleep.
Our clinical teams have increased psychology, counselling and case management services. We have partnered with Sydney Clinic, Healthscope, Mum for Mum, and PsychNet as well as several local psychologists, psychiatrists and counsellors to increase our capacity to help children, families and adults distressed by the crisis.

Rabbi Mendel Kastel
We have purchased IT tablets to loan to vulnerable families in the local community so school children can complete their education online at home while in physical isolation.
JH has partnered with a national pharmacy chain to coordinate with our volunteers and staff the dispensary of medication for vulnerable people living in isolation and unable to leave home. We are working with several Jewish community organisations to support their clients with this service.
We have partnered with the COA, Montefiore, ORAH Fund & Solomons Foods to deliver Pesach food packs to over 300 residents and patients of local hospitals & nursing homes for the upcoming holidays.
Our staff and volunteers are coordinating weekly food and meal delivery services with food donations from Oz Harvest, Coles, Second Bite, COA & Harris Farm Markets for vulnerable people living in isolation for the duration of the pandemic.
Jewish House is providing Rabbis, Rebitzens and volunteers specialist online training to give them the tools they need to support people in our community during these times.
Many of our regular weekly workshops have now moved online to be able to continue to provide vulnerable people with the life skills they need to make positive changes in their lives.
Our 24/7 Crisis call line remains open and continues to provide support and reassurance to people in distress at all hours of the day and night
We look forward to connecting with you on our JH COVID-19 Crisis Portal.