Jewish Gays denounce Loree Rudd’s Nazi inferences

July 15, 2011 by Henry Benjamin
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Jewish gays and lesbians have reacted strongly to Loree Rudd’s accusations that some Labor parliamentarians were being brainwashed by “a Global Gestapo” on the push for same-sex marriage.


Roy Freeman

Spokesman Roy Freeman told J-Wire:  “Loree Rudd’s comments betray her unforgivable ignorance of Nazism and her loathing and lack of empathy for the GLBT community as well as for the victims of the Nazis. The Australian Christian Lobby has now given her their support, adding that the marriage equality lobbyists use the same tactics of “fear and intimidation to silence dissent” as the Nazis did. Such comparisons are offensive and obviously untrue.

This kind of language is unacceptable in 21st century Australia. Those who glibly throw around such comparisons diminish the crimes committed by the Nazis and attempt to demonise the GLBT community.

On behalf of J4ME, the Jewish Community supporting Marriage Equality, we call upon Loree Rudd and the ACL to apologise for their comments which have offended both the GLBT community and the Holocaust-survivor community”.

Freeman added: “J4ME is a group for the entire Jewish Community to participate in, not just GLBT Jews. We’re calling on the whole Jewish community, both straight and GLBT, to get involved in the lobbying process”.

NSW Jewish Board of Deputies Chief Executive Officer Vic Alhadeff has also condemned the use of Nazi analogy to condemn the gay-marriage lobby.

“Drawing a comparison between advocates of gay marriage and the Gestapo is insensitive and counterproductive,” Alhadeff said. “The thoughtless use of Nazi and Holocaust analogies in intelligent and informed discourse is completely inappropriate and unjustified.”

Loree Rudd is the sister of Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd


2 Responses to “Jewish Gays denounce Loree Rudd’s Nazi inferences”
  1. Lynne Newington says:

    Michael, I wonder if you would say the same to a clergyman.
    The difference is they never “come out”, but they’re there, whether diciplined or not.

  2. How could such a handsome boy possibly be homosexual. What a waste!

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