Jerusalem zoo calls for financial support for bushfires wildlife

January 7, 2020 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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The Jerusalem Biblical Zoo is to purchase veterinary medical supplies for the Animal Rescue Collective for use in the East Gippsland region in Victoria according to its Facebook page.

Facebook: Animal Rescue Collective 

The zoo has also requested donations.

The post reads: “The Jerusalem Biblical Zoo and its staff are distressed by the horrific fires in Australia and the widespread devastation to its unique wildlife.

Supplies requested include items such as burn creams, milk replacers, hydration concentrates, wound sprays, medical equipment, bottles and more. The supplies will be purchased in Australia and sent directly to the volunteers on the ground.

If you would like to join the Zoo in making a direct donation for medical supplies, a designated PayBox account has been opened:


2 Responses to “Jerusalem zoo calls for financial support for bushfires wildlife”
  1. Bella Ceruza says:

    Is there an Australian tax deductible way of contributing to this excellent programme?

  2. Stephen Hynes says:

    It seems that whenever there is any kind of disaster, Israel is one of first on the ground, quietly doing good. I greatly admire this country and its people. A fine example to all of us.

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