JCCV slams anti-Muslim comments

May 2, 2019 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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The Jewish Community Council of Victoria has condemned the views of the former Liberal candidate for the Melbourne seat of Isaacs for his disgraceful anti-Muslim comments.

Jeremy Hearn

The JCCV welcomes today’s decision by the Liberal Party to dis-endorse Jeremy Hearn after his anti-Muslim views were brought to public attention.

The candidate had published anti-Muslim rants on social media.

The JCCV reaffirms its non-partisan status. However, the JCCV President, Jennifer Huppert, said: “As a non-partisan organisation the Jewish Community Council of Victoria will condemn any candidate from any political party who engages in religious or racial vilification. We stand in solidarity with the Muslim community and all other faith communities in condemning hate speech in all its forms. We reaffirm our support for a diverse, tolerant, inclusive Victoria where all people from all backgrounds can live free from intimidation, harassment and hate.”

Sitting member for Isaacs, Shadow-Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus told ABC: “This man should never have been preselected by a mainstream political party in Australia in the first place.

It thought that it was OK to preselect someone who had expressed these abhorrent, Islamophobic views.”

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said social media presented new challenges in the vetting of candidates


2 Responses to “JCCV slams anti-Muslim comments”
  1. Paul Winter says:

    I do not know what Jeramy Hearn wrote, but we must not be silenced by gate keepers of political correctness.

    It is obviously stupid and bigoted to condemn all muslims. It is also stupid to refrain from criticising those muslims who declare that they do not respect Australian law – Hizb-ut-Tahrir does – because they only follow sharia. It is a denial of reality to ignore the jihadi attacks by some muslims while their fellows fail to condemn such violence.

    The failure to condemn jihad against Christians and Jews by al Azhar, by the Deobandi school or by the religious leaders in Qoms must also be kept in mind. PC and blind adherence to multiculturalism in support of those who do not wish to integrate, endangers our democratic secular society.

  2. michael Burd says:

    The chutzpah and priorities of the far left leaning JCCV board are exhausting.

    The JCCV have always been the first to grovel to the Muslim community without any expectations of reciprocity over the years once again this mob of leftist do- gooders are at it again..

    Have we ever seen any ‘Public ‘ official condemnations by official Muslim organisations like the ICV for example of anti Semitic comments by Labour/ Greens MP, including those dressed up as ant Israel over the years .

    One of JCCV long standing affiliates controversial hard left Palestinian anti Zionist group AJDS who previously had their members protest outside the JCCV own office calling JNF who share office space racist, align them selves with Australia’s most effective Palestinian lobby group APAN and even join them in Canberra lobby for the Palestinians have just come out with an article accusing JCCV bosses ECAJ also AIJAC/ ZFA dangerous foreign agents and dangeous .

    Even if there are JCCV board members who agree with this Insidious groups ideology { i personally suspect there is other wise why would the affiliation still be kosher]]this latest anti Jewish article stereo types Jews and places all the Jewish community in further Danger from fatatics, however it appears by their continued close affiliation with those at JCCV and AJDS the leftist anti Zionist agenda is more important than our security.

    AJDS article …


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