JCCV pledges its support and call for donations

January 8, 2020 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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The Jewish Community Council of Victoria stands in solidarity with all Victorians affected by the devastating bushfires across our state and nation.

Jewish Australians have a proud history of offering support and services to those in crisis and the recent catastrophic bushfires have affected families and individuals across generations, homes, workplaces, farms, livestock and natural habitat.

The Victorian Jewish Bushfire Relief Appeal managed by the JCCV and lead by the Appeal organising committee: David Smorgon, Ruth Alter, Ian Davis and Fiona Geminder, seek the community’s support to assist our fellow Victorians.

“This campaign is a consolidated Jewish Victorian response to the catastrophic bushfires which have left a devastating trail of physical and emotional damage across our state,” stated Judy Fetter, Executive Director JCCV.

Guided by the Jewish values of Tzedakah and Tikun Olam, the committee has set up a communal appeal to show that the Jewish community stands shoulder to shoulder with our fellow Victorians, helping them rebuild their homes, lives and livelihoods devastated by the bushfires.

Jennifer Huppert, President JCCV said, “The Victorian Jewish Bushfire Relief Appeal is a tangible way for individuals and organisations to offer valuable support for those impacted by these unprecedented fires and ensure our Victorian Jewish voice is strong and empathetic across our state.”

All funds raised through the Victorian Jewish Bushfire Relief Appeal www.charidy.com/bushfireappeal will be distributed to approved organisations, helping Victorians impacted by the fires to move to the recovery phase with purpose, compassion and effectiveness.

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