JCA: Campaign on its way

April 17, 2014 by J-Wire Staff
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Sydney’s Jewish Communal Appeal has held its 2014 campaign launch event for hosts, key stakeholders and community leaders.

Peter Philippsohn, President thanked Sydney City Lexus, who hosted the event, for 15 years of unwavering support of the community and JCA. 

An exciting array of speakers was announced  spearheading events taking place in late May and early June.  Click here to view.

In addition, a brief teaser for JCA’s video was revealed here.

Daniel Grynberg

Daniel Grynberg

New CEO Daniel Grynberg spoke about how fortunate we are to have a community that is so committed, diverse and vibrant and that the engagement of the next generation will be a key focus area for him at JCA.

The organisation also revealed an updated vision and mission which is included in its five year strategic plan.

Vision – To ensure a sustainable, vibrant and secure Jewish community.

Mission – To fundraise, plan and facilitate in collaboration with our constituents and donors, to meet the needs of our local community.

Michael Graf, Vice-President and Fundraising Chairman spoke of some initiatives that will be key to the success of JCA and its future.  One of these is the Observership Program which places young Jewish professionals on boards across Sydney, both Jewish and non-Jewish to start a process of involving them in philanthropic endeavours and grooming them for future leadership positions.  He went on to say that the organisation is working hard on developing a strategy to actively engage this age demographic to facilitate affiliation with the Jewish community, hopefully resulting in a desire to support the community and thereby ensuring the future needs of the community are met.

“We need your idealism, your get it done attitude and your commitment to your community. We need people who will influence the next generation tomorrow. And, as they pursue this journey, we want to do everything we can to be a good partner to them and to you all – today, tomorrow, forever. I thank you all in advance for your support – on the eve of another JCA campaign I also take this opportunity to thank you for all the support in the past,” he concluded.

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