JBOD plenum: More changes needed for the LGBTQ+ community?
After the success of the marriage-equality vote in 2017, the movement for greater acceptance of LGBTQ+ people is growing.

Jarod Rhine-Davis ( guest speaker from Melb. at the Mardi Gras Shabbat dinner, Rabbi Jacqueline Ninio from Emanuel Synagogue, and President of Dayenu, Jonathan David.
Yet a 2020 study showed that four out of five LGBTQ+ people felt worse than they did after the same-sex marriage vote. What further changes are needed?
The experience of LGBTQ+ members of the Sydney Jewish community has ranged from celebration to rejection.
This month’s NSW Jewish Board of Deputies plenum will feature a panel discussion moderated by Josh Kirsh, chair of the Board of Deputies LGBTQ+ Working Party.
The panellists will be: Dr Kerryn Phelps and Jackie Stricker-Phelps, both of whom campaigned for marriage equality, Jonathan David, president of the Jewish LGBTQ+ support group Dayenu, Danielle Meltzer, a transgender woman who grew up in Sydney, and Galit Taub, a graduate of Moriah College who aims to make religious Jewish spaces more inclusive for LGBTQ+ individuals. The plenum will be held both in person and online on Tuesday 16 March at 7:30pm. Registration required for both in person and online attendance: https://bit.ly/JBDMarch2021