Jan-15 11am Melbourne: Remembering Raoul Wallenberg

December 29, 2022 by J-Wire
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Melbourne’s Raoul Wallenberg Unit of B’nai B’rith will hold its inaugural Raoul Wallenberg Day on Sunday, 15 January at the St Kilda Town Hall.This Sunday is nearest to the date of his arrest by the advancing Russian army on 17 January 1945, never to be seen, or heard from, again.

Federal Attorney General Mark Dreyfus will be the keynote speaker. The City of Port Phillip is generously hosting this event.

Tickets are free, but booking is essential for the event which starts at 11am.

Please use this QR code to make a booking

Since its inception in 1985, and among its many activities, the Raoul Wallenberg Unit has disseminated the story of Raoul Wallenberg and the many thousands of Jewish and others lives he saved during the Holocaust. This mission was assisted by Australia Post’s publication of 1,000 Raoul Wallenberg Stamp Sheets in 2010; Raoul Wallenberg becoming Australia’s first and only Honorary Citizen at a function at Government House, Canberra, in 2013; and the release of an Australia Post Raoul Wallenberg postage stamp in 2015.

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