It’s time this charade called a Peace Process came to an end.

March 21, 2013 by  
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When will this charade ever end? On the eve of Obama’s arrival in Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated for the umpteenth time “With a Palestinian partner who is willing to conduct negotiations in good faith, Israel will be prepared for a historic compromise that will end the conflict with the Palestinians forever.”

Wonderful words which mean nothing but show Israel in a pathetic light for the world to see.

He commits Israel to making historic compromises if only there is someone on the other side who will enter into negotiations in “good faith” whatever that means.
A simple test of good faith would be if Palestinians recognised Israel as a Jewish country and publicly declare an end to all the anti-semitic diatribe. This is the minimum Israel should insist upon if they are ever to resume negotiations.

Talk about being clueless when it comes to Hasbara!

Unfortunately there will never be a Palestinian partner willing to conduct negotiations in “good faith.” Their childrens’ geography classes don’t even recognise a country called Israel on their maps. The sons of Ishmael have invested too much in hate for there ever to be any negotiations by them in good faith. They have ensured the next generation of Jew haters are alive and well by teaching their children from kindergarten that Jews are the offspring of pigs and apes and should be slaughtered.

Even by some miracle, if ever there was a Palestinian leader willing to compromise, he would soon be assassinated by his own people.

Arab world leaders simply never want this issue to be resolved, as it could then divert attention to the miserable lives of their own people. Heaven forbid if this conflict ended, the world media may give its attention to the wholesale butchering that goes on in the Arab world by every tyrant determined to stay in power.

It is time for Israel to walk away from this so called “Peace Process.’ To take unilateral action on borders and hand the welfare of the people outside the borders of Israel to the UNHCR where it always belonged but retain security over land, sea and air.

It is time for Israel to turn off the 24 hour electricity tap and advise all hostile elements that electricity supplies from the Israeli grid will, in the interests of compassion, be at set hours only but will terminate completely in the event of any future hostilities.

It is time for Israel to give the world a history lesson on Palestine and end with a few questions for them to ponder, such as:
If there was such a country called Palestine, then who were its rulers over the centuries?
Was it a Monarchy, Republic or a state administered by Sharia Law?
What currency did they use?

The facts are that at the beginning of the 20th century, if one were referred to as a Palestinian, it was automatically implied that he or she was Jewish. Many decades later, Arabs cleverly commandeered the term “Palestinian” in their attempt to re-write history.

Their re-writing efforts seem to be successful only because Israel says nothing nor do current diaspora leaders for fear of offending anyone.

Political correctness and not wanting to offend seems to be the over-riding philosophy, not historical accuracy.

Gil Solomon


5 Responses to “It’s time this charade called a Peace Process came to an end.”
  1. Liat Nagar says:

    Mark Regev often says it how it is. He did so when interviewed by the obviously biassed SBS television news reporter in Israel to report the Obama visit (forget his name, the mature, balding man with Scottish accent?) Even managed to handle the thrice asked question re Jewish settlement and put it in its place. He does a better job as Netanyahu’s English-speaking spokesman that Netanyahu does for himself.
    Oh, and how nice that we’ve apologised to Turkey for the Gaza flotilla actions!

  2. Shirlee says:

    This in today’s Jerusalem Post pretty much sums it up.

    “The Israeli-Arab student who shouted a pro-Palestinian slogan, interrupting US President Barack Obama’s speech at the Jerusalem International Convention Center on Thursday, said Friday that he had done so because he found the speech to be “extremist and Zionist.”

    Speaking in an interview with Channel 10, Rabia Eid said that “Obama talked about a Jewish state, and that is unacceptable to me and to the Arabs of the world.” ”

  3. Shirlee says:

    Quite agree with you Gill.

    The Arabs don’t want peace. Sometime during the past week Hamas said they would never recognise Israel and Abbas won’t come to the table without per-conditions.


    At least Hamas tells it like it is. Abbas is a sheep in wolves clothing. He is all smiles with the English speaking world, whilst what he says in Arabic is a whole different story

  4. Danny says:

    We now have proof that Obama is not a muslim.
    By saying to the young Israeli crowd: “I believe peace is possible”, he declares that he knows nothing about Arab muslim culture and understands even less about Arab muslim ideology.
    For islam, the option of peace is not available.

  5. Here! Hear! Gil tells it like it is.

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