Israel’s Independence Day celebration at UN features sustainable lab-grown meat

May 16, 2022 by Aryeh Savir - TPS
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Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan and the Israeli Mission to the UN hosted a celebration of Israel’s 74th Independence Day featuring sustainable meat and innovative Israeli protein substitutes, with about 250 participants, including dozens of UN ambassadors from around the world.

Ambasador Gilad Erdan at the celebration. Photo: Uri Westrich

The guests were treated to the tastes of the various foods being produced by the Israeli companies, who do so in a sustainable manner without using animal products. The delicacies included poached eggs, schnitzel nuggets, pastrami sandwiches, cheeses, and ice creams.

Israel is a world leader in food technologies and protein substitutes. Erdan, together with the Good Food Institute and the Israeli companies that took part in the event, emphasized to the ambassadors the important Israeli contributions to the global effort to fight the climate crisis through innovation.

“Showcasing a green Israel and how Israel is working to fight climate change is at the top of Ambassador Erdan’s agenda at the UN,” the Israeli Mission stated.

In his speech, Erdan said that “we decided to give you all a taste of our shared vision – both literally and figuratively. A taste of Israel’s dominant role in a sector that is about to change the world and ensure our future – food-tech. So instead of grilling poultry and beef, we are here today to explore cultivated meats, plant-based proteins, chicken-less eggs and cow-less milk. These advancements are absolutely remarkable and they are truly making an impact.”

Turning to the incessant criticism of Israel at the international forum, Erdan said that “it is no secret that Israel suffers from immense bias at the UN. Not only is this bias immoral, it also perpetuates the conflict with our neighbors. As representatives of your States that sometimes face UN votes singling out Israel, I urge you to etch this evening into your memory.”

“Israel should be singled out. But only for the amazing good that it brings to the world. As delegates to a body that is focused on making the world a better place, Israel’s contributions to this cause must not only be remembered, but celebrated!” he stated.

Cultivated meat companies produce meat from animal cell cultivation. This eliminates the need to raise and farm animals for food and provides a sustainable alternative to farmed animal-based protein.

The alternative meat boasts various advantages in comparison with traditional beef. The time necessary for the production of such meat would take only three weeks, compared to two years with traditional beef growing. Additionally, the lab-grown meat avoids the harmful antibiotics, has a lower environmental footprint, and ultimately will reduce animal slaughter and suffering.

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