Israeli police brutality – officer suspended

July 10, 2014 by J-Wire
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An Israeli police officer caught on camera exercising  excessive force on an American Palestinian youth following a riot in Jerusalem has been suspended from duty.

The Israeli Justice Ministry Police Investigation Department has issued the following statement:

“A few days ago a video circulated in the media, showing two police officers arresting a man, while one of them uses excessive force, seemingly without any justification. Publications reported that this incident occurred during the riots in Shu’afat, in eastern Jerusalem.

Immediately after the release of the video, even before a complaint was filed, the Police Investigations Department (PID) at the Ministry of Justice opened a vigorous investigation, during which it gathered evidence, questioned witnesses and identified the two policemen who carried out the arrest.

During the investigation it was concluded that the arrest took place on 03/07/14, during a severe riot in Shu’afat, during which the Police Undercover Unit arrested a number of masked youths who rioted and threw Molotov cocktails and stones at police forces. The teen shown in the video was a minor, arrested after allegedly being identified by the police as taking an active part in the riots, while masked and carrying a slingshot.

At the end of the investigation, apparent evidence was found supporting the guilt of the police officer suspected of severe violent crimes, committed after the arrest of the minor, and while the minor was handcuffed.

Accordingly, the PIU director has decided to consider bringing criminal charges against the police officer, and instructed that he be summoned to a hearing at the department. The suspect and his attorney have been informed. For the time being, the suspect has been banned from his police duties for 15 days. Meanwhile, the material in his matter will also be handed to the relevant authority at the Israel Police, in order to consider taking administrative measures against him.”

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