Israeli gymnast Linoy Ashram wins two gold medals at world championship

March 31, 2021 Agencies
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Israeli gymnast Linoy Ashram won two gold medals and one bronze in the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup this weekend in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Linoy Ashram. Source: Photo by Ayelet Zussman/Wikimedia Commons.

Ashram was first among 44 competitors on Saturday, after earning a score of 98.450, winning the individual events, including separate showings with a hoop, ball, clubs and ribbon.

On Sunday, she snagged another gold medal in the ball event with a 26.5 score and a bronze medal in the hoop event with a score of 26.1.

The competition in Sofia is one of four Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup events ahead of the 2021 Olympics and serves as a qualifier for the Games.

Ashram, 21, arrived in Bulgaria two days after Israel’s rhythmic gymnastics team won gold in the group all-around category.

Also on Sunday, Israeli judoka Inbar Lanir won the bronze medal at the Tbilisi Grand Slam in Georgia.

The 20-year-old, who competes in the under-78 kilograms (170 pounds) category, won her match with an ippon within nine seconds of going onto the mat.

The Tbilisi Grand Slam featured 464 athletes and 278 officials from more than 80 countries.

(Israel Hayom via JNS)

This article first appeared in Israel Hayom.

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