Israeli Law Books Daubed in University

March 15, 2011 Agencies
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Israeli law books have been daubed at Adelaide University


Vandalised books



A member of the Australian Union of Jewish Students Small Regions division spotted the slogan “Free Palestine” texted on the closed pages of over twenty books in Adelaide University’s Law Library.

J-Wire understands that the vandalisation of the books was reported to University authorities. A spokesperson for Adelaide University told J-Wire: “We do not know who is responsible for this. The library is open to the public so anyone could have done it”


3 Responses to “Israeli Law Books Daubed in University”
  1. hasbaracentral says:

    that is a littlle price to pay for the privilege of being superior beings to the Arabs in Israel and fro defending the continued colonisation of the West bank.

  2. John Katz says:

    Such a disgraces!!! I remember last year I was visiting Adelaide University and the local Jewish students had an Israeli Day Celebration with music and food which had a great atmosphere – however I witnessed many posters advertising there event vandalised with anti-Israel messages, “Fascist”, “Apartheid”, “Free Palestine”

    It’s such a shame that debate can not occur on campus with such childish games occurring. Lets hope the University will take action and support the small number of Jewish students on campus.

  3. Larry Stillman says:

    Dumber than dumb actions by students. If they bothered to look inside the journal, that would have actually seen articles arguing about the legality of the Occupation, human rights etc. Not quite the same as direct action, but within the world of law, significant.

    But this is not new: some books were attacked in the Melbourne University Library when I was a student there by

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