Israel Hayom defence correspondent to speak at UIA functions

February 10, 2016 by J-Wire Staff
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Yoav Limor, the Senior Defence Correspondent for the Israel Hayom daily newspaper, and host of the morning show on Israel’s Channel 2 will be a keynote speaker at up coming United Israel Appeal events.

Yoav Limor

Yoav Limor

Timor is a veteran military correspondent, who has covered the Middle East conflict for the last 25 years including the on-going conflict with the Palestinians, terror attacks in Israel and overseas, the operations in Gaza and the ongoing battle to stop Iran’s nuclear project.

He began his career at the Israeli Defense Force’s Magazine, and later at “Maariv” daily, as a political correspondent and as the newspaper’s senior correspondent in Europe, based in London. Limor joined channel 1 TV in 2003, where aside from his reporter and commentator position covering defense issues, he hosted a political talk-show. In his different capacities, Limor has covered all major events in the region, such as the on-going conflict with the Palestinians, the 2000 withdrawal from Lebanon, terror attacks in Israel and overseas, the 2005 disengagement from Gaza, the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the 2006 Lebanon war (on which he co-wrote the best-seller “Captives of Lebanon”), the 2009, 2012 and 2014 operations in Gaza and the on-going battle to stop Iran’s nuclear project.

He appears regularly on different media outlets in Israel and around the world.

Yoav Limor will speak at the following events:

Victoria – General Division Campaign Launch Gala Dinner- Monday 7 March. For more details please contact UIA Vic 1300 ISRAEL (1300 477 235) or

NSW – General Division Sunday 28 February, Monday 29 February Tuesday 1 March and Young Leadership Wednesday 2 March. For more details please contact UIA NSW 9361 4273 or

WA – General Division Campaign Launch – Thursday 3 March, tickets at:  or call (08) 9275 1186


One Response to “Israel Hayom defence correspondent to speak at UIA functions”
  1. Julie Paul says:

    Those of us in Adelaide would be so pleased if, just occasionally, one of these visiting speakers would call in here.

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