Iran attacks: Australian and Jewish reactions

April 14, 2024 by AAP J-Wire
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Statements from the World Jewish Congress and Australian leaders following the Iranian attack on Israel.

Israeli Iron Dome air defence system launches to intercept missiles fired from Iran, in central Israel, Sunday, April 14, 2024.  (AP Photo/Tomer Neuberg)

Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel is a “grave threat” that could exacerbate devastation across the Middle East and must be condemned, said Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has decried Iran’s actions.

“Iran has ignored our call, and those of many other countries, not to proceed with these reckless attacks,” he said in a statement posted to X, formerly known as Twitter.

“Anyone who cares for the protection of innocent life must stand against these attacks.

“This escalation is a grave threat to the security of  Israel and the entire region. It risks greater instability and devastation across the Middle East.”

The Australian government will continue working with international partners to pressure Iran to cease its destabilising actions, Mr Albanese said, and prevent the conflict from spreading.

The prime minister also condemned Iran’s behaviour more broadly.

“Iran’s ongoing flouting of international law, its egregious human rights abuses and threat to international security is why this government has imposed targeted financial sanctions and travel bans,” he said.

The Zionist Federation of Australia President Jeremy Leibler said, “We stand by Israel as it comes under attack by the Iranian terrorist regime. Iran is seeking to terrorise Israel but Israelis will not be cowed. We welcome the clear international condemnation of these attacks.”

Mr Leibler continued, “Iran wants to set the region on fire. Iran is attacking Israel directly today. In recent months years it has been coordinating Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis in Yemen to do the same. Iran is intent on destabilising the entire region, and this requires a regional and international response. In this light, we welcome Jordanian and Saudi cooperation with Israel in its efforts to defend itself. We welcome the US and UK air forces helping Israel to shoot down the drones. We can see by the regional cooperation with Israel that Middle Eastern countries know who their enemy is, and it is Iran.”

Alon Cassuto, CEO of the ZFA added: “Iran is a terrorist regime. It’s stated goal is the destruction of Israel. It rules its own people by fear and terrorises the region through its proxies. This attack on Israel is not a reflection of the will of the Iranian people, but that of the radical ayatollahs and their supporters.”

Cassuto concluded, “Iranian has been murdering Israelis for decades, but usually in secret, by proxies. Just last week an Argentinian court found Iran and Hezbollah were responsible for the bombing of a Jewish community building and Israeli embassy in the 1990s. This latest attack with hundreds of drones and missiles is an intolerable escalation. It is also confirmation the world cannot allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons.”

Federal Liberal MP Julian Leeser wants Australia’s embassy in Teheran to be shut down.

He said: “For decades, Iran has sponsored death and terror throughout the Middle East.

All that has happened with today’s strikes on Israel is that Iran’s evil intent has been brought out into the open.

Last year, I called on the Albanese Government to close Australia’s Embassy in Iran.

I repeat the call today.

Our Embassy in Iran should be closed.

The Prime Minister should give the order now.

There is good and evil in the world, and the government should not act with indifference towards the only democratic nation in the Middle East.

Iran deploys terror against its citizens at home, and it exports it abroad.

Australia has nothing in common with Iran, we must cut ties with this despotic regime.”

AJA CEO Robert Gregory said: “This was brutal attack on the State of Israel and its people.

While the attack may have largely failed, there is no doubt that it was intended to kill thousands of innocent people.

The AJA supports a massive and crushing response. It is time for Israel to strike Iran, including its illegal nuclear facilities. We urge all decent people to fully back Israel’s response. Failure to do so will invite more Islamic terrorist attacks.

We are calling on the Albanese Government to immediately correct their failed policies and proscribe the IRGC as a terrorist organisation, close Iran’s embassy in Australia and the Australian embassy in Iran and take serious measures to confront Iranian Regime aggression.

This is a time for all decent people to stand with Israel and the Jewish people as they battle Islamic extremism on behalf of the entire Western World.”

 World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder issued the following statement reacting to the launch of drones by Iran targeting Israel:

“The World Jewish Congress vehemently condemns the recent escalation of hostilities by Iran,

marked by the launch of multiple drones targeting the State of Israel. This attack not only threatens the safety and security of Israeli citizens but also represents a dangerous escalation in the already volatile Middle East region.

“We stand united with Israel during this critical moment and extend our deepest appreciation to the United States and all international allies who are demonstrating unwavering support for Israel, both militarily and diplomatically. Their commitment reinforces the global stance against terrorism and aggression, ensuring that the ideals of democracy and peace are upheld.

“Iran’s actions, as the primary state sponsor of terrorism, pose a grave threat to global stability. This egregious act of aggression undermines efforts for peace and will ignite a tinderbox, unleashing further violence with potentially devastating impacts on countless innocent lives.

“The World Jewish Congress urges the international community to join us in strongly condemning these hostile acts by Iran and to continue supporting efforts to restore and maintain peace in the region. We call for the immediate cessation of hostilities driven by the Islamic Republic and will hold them to account for any negative consequences.

“Together, we pray for the safety of Israelis as we await the outcome of this crisis.”


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