International Women’s Day

March 14, 2014 by J-Wire Staff
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Jewish Care’s Active Living Centre clients has marked International Women’s Day.

A flower for the day

A flower for the day


Around 100 Russian-speaking Holocaust survivors celebrated the day at Temple Beth Israel, where each lady received a rose donated by Ormond Fresh Produce Fruit and Vegetable store. Owner Rocky DeMaria said: “I love supporting our community and bringing happiness to so many beautiful women on their special day. It makes you feel special too.”

“The atmosphere was joyful and heimish and the concert was excellent! We sang and danced and felt wonderful! Everyone left in great spirits!” said client Inna Sterenzon.

“Every woman loves to be pampered, at least once in a while, and we are no different,” said client Sofia Baru. “It was an excellent event, and we are looking forward to more functions like this in future.”

The weekly Holocaust survivor support program is attended by 140 seniors at Temple Beth Israel. Run in English and Russian, the program provides an opportunity for seniors to socialise and meet new friends, exercise and hear inspirational lectures, followed by a delicious lunch and entertainment.

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