IDF destroys monument in memory of terror victim

June 3, 2022 by Aryeh Savir - TPS
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The IDF’s Civil Administration demolished on Wednesday night a monument in memory of Yehuda Dimentman that was inaugurated the day before at the site of his murder near the community Chomesh in Samaria.

Yehuda Dimentman’s widow

Terrorists shot and killed Yehuda Dimentman, 25 and father of one, and injured two others at the junction leading to the entrance to the Israeli community of Chomesh in December.

The Civil Administration claimed that the structure was erected illegally and without permits. It further alleged that the monument, which was erected right near the junction at which Dimentman was murdered, was built on privately-owned Arab lands.

The monument was inaugurated on Wednesday in a ceremony with the participation of Chomesh Yeshiva rabbis and members of the Dimentman family.

Yehuda Dimentman

In response to the destruction, Yehuda’s widow Attia said that “about six months ago, the wicked Arabs cut off Yehuda’s life. Demolition of terrorist houses will not help after such a submissive action. If the Jews themselves say that Chomesh is not theirs and that even a monument to a murdered person is illegitimate in their eyes, then Muhammad today receives strength and motivation to take a knife and travel to Tel Aviv.”

The monument, prepared by Yeshivat Chomesh, was designed in the shape of a Star of David adorned with Israeli flags, to which a memorial plaque prepared in Yehuda’s memory was affixed.

The Yeshiva in Chomesh stated Thursday that “the Israeli government continues to disrespect the memory of Yehuda. Since the murder, the government has been persecuting Chomesh obsessively. The destruction tonight is another reward for the murderers, who in the government will wake up and put an end to persecution?”

Yossi Dagan, head of the Samaria Council, strongly condemned the destruction of the monument and said it “joins the government’s obsessive persecution against the pioneers of Chomesh.”

“Never in the history of Israel after a murder, the government did not destroy and actually harm the family of the victim. It is impossible to agree on this thing, a government that persecutes Chomesh has no right to exist. This is a crossing of lines we have not seen before. The people of Israel renounce this unworthy act. Chomesh will be rebuilt,” he declared.

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