Hungarians honour a Nazi collaborator on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

January 26, 2018 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder has asked Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to intervene in a celebratory event scheduled for International Holocaust Remembrance Day honouring the Nazi collaborator Admiral Miklos Horthy, in which a senior Hungarian politician has been confirmed to attend.

Ronald S. Lauder

In a letter to Orban on Wednesday, Lauder wrote: “The World Jewish Congress, which represents more than 100 Jewish communities on six continents, was astonished and severely disappointed to learn that Hungarian Parliament Deputy Speaker Sándor Lezsák will speak at a celebratory mass honoring Admiral Miklos Horthy, precisely on International Holocaust Remembrance Day.”

Lauder called the event, organized by the Christian Intellectuals’ Association, “nothing short of a provocative measure,” adding that it was “truly disturbing that it is being given legitimacy through the participation of a high dignitary of Hungary.”

“The terror that Admiral Horthy, an unabashed anti-Semite, inflicted on the Jewish community of Hungary by allowing them to be stripped of their rights and their humanity, and his role in the deportation and murder of hundreds of thousands of Jews, must never be forgotten and can never be excused,” Lauder wrote. “In fact, it is one of the critical lessons the international community can learn in Holocaust education.”

“As democracies around the world today strive to face their history, and take responsibility for the crimes of their predecessors, it is inconceivable to us that a senior Hungarian political leader would represent your government in celebrating a Nazi-collaborator, and one of the darkest figures of Hungary’s past,” he added.

Lauder also noted the strong professional and trustworthy working relationship the Hungarian government has developed with the Federation of Hungarian Jewish Communities (MAZSIHISZ) as an “exemplary partnership that we hope will continue to develop and grow,” and concluded: “We urge you to take a firm stance against this shameful event by ensuring that no government representative participate, for the sake of the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and for the sake of Hungary’s diplomatic image around the world.”


One Response to “Hungarians honour a Nazi collaborator on International Holocaust Remembrance Day”
  1. Dorothy Stevens says:

    Horror of horrors!
    Picture this…….
    A memorial service to focus on the life of a well-loved, highly respected, God fearing man taken unexpectedly from his family and friends by a brutal murderer is taking place…….

    Suddenly with a burst of yelling and cursing rushes in the murderer, inexplicably released from jail, accompanied by others likewise behaving abusively to shatter the serenity and inflict untold further pain and…….

    Graphic but surely there’s a link to the ‘outwardly’
    politically correct and “respectable” above event!

    Also horrified to see it organised by a ‘Christian’ group. The Jewish nation kept the faith, in spite of enormous odds, are responsible for giving the Messiah and writing, preserving and sharing the Scriptures, and the Gospel so precious to those who love Jesus who was and is a Jew.

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