Hospitalised following the Hadera attack, border policeman taken to soccer game by MDA

April 6, 2022 by Zaki Heler
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About a week and half ago, E, a Border Police officer, was injured in the terror attack in Hadera.

A Magen David Adom team provided life-saving treatment and conveyed him to hospital. Yesterday brought some closure to the story when the same MDA team came with MDA’s Wish Ambulance to Hillel Yafe Hospital to fulfil a special dream and take the officer to Maccabi Haifa’s game of the season.

Last week, E had a visit from MDA Senior EMT Avihu Grasgrin who heard that E wanted to see Maccabi Haifa’s game of the season at Sami Ofer Stadium. Avihu immediately got in touch with Yonat Daskal-Dagan, Wish Ambulance Manager, who suggested the collaboration with Sami Ofer Stadium and Maccabi Haifa. Yesterday, the Wish Ambulance arrived at the hospital along with MDA Paramedics Tzvika Weiss and Yuval Eliyahu who saved E’s life in the field after the terror attack. They joined E, and travelled with him to Sami Ofer Stadium in Haifa to see Maccabi Haifa – E’s favourite team – play their game of the season.

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 E, The Border Police officer told of the emotional closure:Tzvika and Yuval treated me in the best way possible at the scene of the terror attack. It’s very possible that without them I wouldn’t be here today. I was very emotional at meeting them when they came to visit me, and I’m excited today that they’re taking part in this special moment and accompanying me, a week after my injury, to watch the game at Sami Ofer. To see Maccabi Haifa win and to meet the players is really a dream come true for me, and I thank everyone who was involved in making this happen – to MDA’s Wish Ambulance, to the team and to the stadium. Now I just need to concentrate on recovering, and I just want to get back to serving alongside my friends and guarding the Israeli people.”

 The MDA Paramedics Tzvika Weiss and Yuval Eliyahu added: “As soon as we heard about E’s request, we immediately volunteered to be the team to carry out this mission – an opportunity for some closure. Just a week and a half ago we conveyed him from the scene of a very serious terror attack as he was bleeding. Today, as he’s being discharged from hospital and heading for rehabilitation, we were very happy to meet him again in much better circumstances, to help make his dream come true and to watch his favorite football team at the match. It made us very emotional to see his joy and his smile, and we wish him a speedy recovery and health, and hope that he can walk in to the next match on his own two feet.”


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