Happy 100th Rose

April 5, 2016 by J-Wire Staff
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Sydney’s Burger Centre has celebrated Rose Klass’s 100th birthday this week.

Miriam Barr with her mother Rose Klass and friends Carole and Estelle

Miriam Barr with her mother Rose Klass and friends Carole and Estelle

Rose has been a member of the Burger Centre for 15 years and has seen the Centre grow and flourish. In her own words, “It is wonderful and special to celebrate my 100th with friends at my second home – The Burger Centre. I am blessed to be a part of this wonderful place.”

The room was awash with Rose’s favourite colour blue, decorated with balloons with friends and family treated to songs by her daughter, Miriam Barr and therapist, Shosh Kishik followed by the theatrical musical talents of world renowned artist, Christian Bischoff. “Taking a two hour journey to perform for Rose was very special and most enjoyable,” said Christian.

Certificates were given  to Rose for donations made in her honour to the Centre in honour of her birthday by friends and volunteers.

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