Handling online hate

December 5, 2014 by  
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The OHPI (the Online Hate Prevention Institute) will be launching its latest initiative – a new online tool to combat online hate.

online-hate-400Online hate comes in many guises and its reach is so wide and speed of distribution so quick that antisemitism and other forms of hate are today gaining a wider and wider audience with less checks and balances to deal with them.

The launch of this innovative software will enable everyone interested in taking meaningful action to fight back and to assist in combating this 21st century scourge.

The software will be able to deal with online hate on Facebook, You Tube and Twitter.

Amongst the supporters of OHPI’s launch are the Israeli Ambassador, the Zionist Federation of Australia, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, the Zionist Council of NSW and the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies.

As well as these Jewish communal roof bodies and other leading Jewish organisations, the OHPI launch is being supported by a wide range of other organisations including FECCA (the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia), the Muslim Women Association, IndigenousX and the Parents’ Council of NSW with over 30 organisations to date getting behind this project.

A listing can be seen online at http://ohpi.org.au/fah-supporters/

The function will take place at on Tuesday December 9 at 6pm at Bnai Brith, 22 Yurong Street East Sydney and the Hon Paul Fletcher MP who heads the Governments e-Safety efforts, will formally launch the software.

A panel discussing all forms of online hate will include Julie Nathan from the ECAJ, Joumana Harris (President of the Muslim Women Association), Talitha Stone (an activist at Collective Shout), Anthony Scerri (FECCA), Luke Pearson (creator of @IndigenousX) and Noel Hadjimichael (CEO of the Parents’ Council of NSW)

This new tool will be a game changer as it will for the first time start providing transparency about the way social media companies handle the reports people make to them.

The launch is taking place the evening before International Human Rights Day.

To purchase tickets online: http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/launch-of-ohpis-fight-against-hate-tickets-14211989443

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