“Hamas is like Isis” – Netanyahu as he turns to Abbas

August 21, 2014 by J-Wire Staff
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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that ISIS and Hamas are no friends of the Palestinian people.

At a media conference at the Tel Aviv last night, Netanyahu said on English: “I hope President Abbas plays a constructive role. He has an opportunity to do so.  I think he has to understand obviously that no one, and least of all Israel can accept the kind of terror attacks that are coming from Hamas. I think that were acting well within our rights, probably more rigorously than any–  I would say, no other country has acted more rigorously than Israel in defending itself within legitimate means. And I expect President Abbas to do that. I will look forward to restarting peace negotiations with a Palestinian government committed to peace with Israel, to the end of terror, to fulfilling the previous obligations that we have. And I think this is part and parcel of the larger picture that I’m talking about. We have to think carefully how we tie in the new circumstances to the advantage of peace and against terror.

Hamas is like Isis. Isis is like Hamas. They’re branches of the same tree. And I can say that the entire world has been shocked by the atrocities of Isis. You saw this, the beheading of an American journalist, Foley. It shows you the barbarism, the savagery of these people. Well, we face the same savagery. The people who wantonly rocket our cities and want to conduct mass killings, and when they can they murder children, teenagers; they shoot them in the head, throw people from the sixth floor – their own people; and use their people as human shields.

Hamas is Isis; Isis is Hamas. They’re the enemies of peace; they’re the enemies of Israel; they’re the enemies of all civilized countries. I believe they’re the enemies of the Palestinians. And I’m not the only one who believes it.”


2 Responses to ““Hamas is like Isis” – Netanyahu as he turns to Abbas”
  1. Paul Winter says:

    Reading Netanyahu’s comments made me nauseous. That dill is grovelling to a Jew-hater who boasts of his involvement in killing Jews, who has established links with Hamas and whose PA threatens Israel with lawfare and whose media praises terror against Israel.

    Bibi the bozo is still drivelling about a two-state solution that ha been more that twice rejected by the Arabs. The man is delusional.

    If Bibi really loved the nation state of the Jews and the Jewish people, he would do the right thing and retire to make way for a man or woman who has vision, courage and is willing to act, instead of braying eloquently.But of course he’ll stay as PM; resigning would be too costly with regard to salary, status and ego.

  2. Gil Solomon says:

    “Hamas is like Isis. Isis is like Hamas. They’re branches of the same tree”, so says Netanyahu.

    As Abbas has never stopped representing Hamas, is this man also deep down not like Isis?

    Am I the only one who comes to this conclusion or do others share my perspective. If my conclusion is correct, then Netanyahu is acting naively and leading Israel to chaos.

    The “peace process” with these people and their fictitious narrative was, I believe, dead and buried, yet here goes this same Prime Minister again asking for the same process with these people to be restarted!

    Surely the time has come to act like a sovereign power and do what must be done. The gloves have to come off, now or never.

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