Hamas feels ‘betrayed’ by Iran and Hezbollah

November 1, 2023 by Baruch Yedid - TPS
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Hamas feels betrayed by Hezbollah and Iran, and it doesn’t appear likely that either will meaningfully help Hamas, a Palestinian Authority security official told the Tazpit Press Service on Tuesday.

Israeli forces in southern Israel on Oct. 30, 2023. Photo by Eytan Schweber/TPS

“There are clear signs for you that Hamas feels betrayed by Hezbollah and the Iranians,” the Palestinian security source told TPS.

He said that according to his intelligence, Hamas’s Oct. 7 attacks on southern Israeli communities was carried out without Iran’s or Hezbollah’s knowledge, though an Israeli official has told TPS there is evidence that Tehran and its Lebanese proxy were aware of Hamas’s plans.

And Hamas figures quoted in a Financial Times report on Friday said the terror group’s leadership did not expect the US to deploy two aircraft carrier strike groups to the region. That same day, US forces launched air strikes on sites in Syria associated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The strikes were in response to drone and rocket attacks on US forces stationed in eastern Syria.

In any event, the Palestinian source stressed, neither Iran nor Hezbollah are in a hurry to “pay a direct price” for supporting Hamas, and the Gaza terror group understands it is being left to face Israel alone.

Razi Hamed, one of the top Hamas officials, said a few days ago in a television interview that the Palestinians in Hamas expected more from their allies but did not specifically name Iran or Hezbollah.

Hamed added, “Our vision was to open all fronts at the same time.”

Ahmed Abdel Hadi, a representative of Hamas in Lebanon, also said recently on several occasions, “Iran betrayed the Palestinians and Hamas.” Hadi later denied those words. Several related comments posted on X, formerly Twitter, were deleted.

Arab sources say that Saleh Arouri, who is in charge of Hamas’s relationship with Iran and Hezbollah, is aware of the tension between the organizations but prefers to bury it. Arouri, who is based in Lebanon, is also the highest commander of Hamas’s terror activities inside Judea and Samaria, and has also been the biggest advocate of bringing Hamas into Iranian orbit.

An official in the Palestinian security establishment told TPS, “Aarouri is trying to calm things down on the Iranian axis,” but now more than anyone else.

But another senior Hamas figure, Musa Abu Marzouk, who is a member of the terror group’s ruling politburo, has been expressing deep anger at Iran and Hezbollah.

Appearing on Egyptian television in an unusually angry mood, Marzouk said, “We expected more from our allies.” He added in a testy voice, ”Thank you even if you woke up late and hopefully what is happening in Gaza will awaken the conscience of the rulers.”

‘Not an Israeli Ground Invasion’

But journalists regarded as Hezbollah mouthpieces are out of sync with Hamas.

As Israeli tanks rolled into Gaza on Monday night, Lebanese journalist Hussein Mortada rushed to get a map of the area and go live on social media to explain, “This is not an Israeli ground invasion and that the IDF tanks were harmed by Hamas.”

An Arab source explained to TPS, “Mortada wants to avoid embarrassment to Hassan Nasrallah, who has said on several occasions that a ground campaign will lead to the joining of Hezbollah.”

The source added, “If it is indeed now a ground operation by the Israeli tanks, Nasrallah is in a terrible dilemma.”

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