Hakoah Board has its say

March 19, 2015 by J-Wire
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The Hakoah Board has its say about White City…





2 Responses to “Hakoah Board has its say”
  1. Graham Reitzin says:

    It’s a pity that this ‘advertisement’ says very little about either side of the argument. How can a person make a considered decision when some and not all of the facts are presented? Emotive text with dire warnings doesn’t do the existing board’s cause much good, especially as it appears to persuade, yet does not deliver relevant information.

  2. Adam Green says:

    What a fantastic sporting complex, magnificent facilities and grounds- Im looking forward to the Hakoah’s Board implementing their vision and plans for us all. Really just cant wait to see this a reality and hope everyone else sees this as the best way forward.

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