Hakoah: Differences resolved

March 22, 2015 by J-Wire News Service
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The incumbent board of Sydney’s Hakoah Club will hold its AGM on Tuesday free of any threat to its immediate future.

Hakoah Club president George Farkas

Hakoah Club president George Farkas

A group strongly opposing the board’s plans for the development of the prime White City site has withdrawn its nominations for the board, has agreed to drop all court proceedings challenging the incumbent board and to cancel its proposed EGM.

The parties resolved their differences in an arrangement brokered by community identity Frank Lowy whose life has been entwined with the history of the club.  The board has agreed to demonstrate to Mr Lowy’s satisfaction that by the end of 2015 its DA will be approved by Woollahra Council.

A statement issued by Hakoah president George Farkas on behalf of the board reads:

Frank Lowy

Frank Lowy

“Both parties to the Hakoah dispute have been approached by Mr. Frank Lowy with a proposal to resolve their current differences. The current Board claims that it is in a position to lodge its Development Application (DA) for White City which includes both the community/social/recreational facilities (community facilities) and a full size soccer field. It further claims that this redevelopment can be delivered over time without selling any of the White City site. The Balkin/Reid/Boyarsky team do not believe these claims are achievable.

The proposal put by Mr. Lowy and accepted by both parties is that the Balkin/Reid/Boyarsky team will withdraw its nominations to be elected to the Hakoah Board at the upcoming AGM, cancel the EGM, and discontinue the court proceedings. On this basis, the Hakoah Board agrees that, if by end of 2015, it has not been able to demonstrate to Mr. Lowy’s satisfaction that its DA for both the community facilities and full-sized soccer field will be approved by Woollahra Council, the current Board will resign at that time.

Mr. Lowy congratulates both parties on achieving resolution of their differences so as to bring membership together to deliver a sporting and communal centre that this unique site offers and will benefit all current and future members.”


2 Responses to “Hakoah: Differences resolved”
  1. Schneur Naji says:

    Frank Lowy must believe in the proposal of the present Hakoah board, and that the Council will accept their DA.; otherwise he would not have influenced the Boyarski/Reid/Balkin group to withdraw their proposed. actions.
    Lowy deftly saved the group embarrassment by giving the incumbent board until the end of the year to come up with the goods.

  2. david singer says:

    Congratulations to the Hakoah Board and its Opponents in resolving this acrimonious dispute.

    My only regret is that it took so long after Frank Lowy’s intervention for this to occur.

    Hopefully the planned Roadmap ahead under Frank Lowy’s effective oversight will ultimately benefit the Hakoah members, Maccabi members and the Jewish community.

    United we stand – divided we fall.

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