Hakoah AGM: Three positions up for election

March 20, 2015 by J-Wire News Service
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A move to change the number of positions available for election on Sydney’s Hakoah Club board at next week’s AGM has failed in the Supreme Court.

Hakoah Club president George Farkas

Hakoah Club president George Farkas   outside the Supreme Court                                                                                Photo: Henry Benjamin/J-Wire

Justice Brereton ruled that the matter of the number of members on the board would be dealt with at another hearing before him at the end of April.

He told “the insurgents” that they had left  registering their nominees to “the very last minute when you have had a month”.

He was told that there were seven nominees from the “insurgents” and three from the existing Hakoah Club group and that the ballot would be based on “first past the post”.

He declared that the ballot at Tuesday’s AGM should be for three positions only.

J-Wire understands that the results of next week’s AGM could be affected by future decisions of the court.



2 Responses to “Hakoah AGM: Three positions up for election”
  1. David Itzkowic says:

    the insurgents’ include carl reid. i met with carl reid after he rang me asking me to sign the petition for the EGM. I was against the smaller football field. he agreed to show me his plans. At our meeting, he showed me a single A4 artist’s impression, but neglected to say that land would be sold. I now feel that he attempted to get me to sign without telling the full story.

  2. david singer says:

    The Judge in describing those who went to the Court as “insurgents” made an interesting and pointed observation.

    In the Collins English dictionary “insurgent” is defined as:

    1. rebellious or in revolt as against a government in power or the civil authorities

    2. a person who takes part in an uprising or rebellion, insurrectionist.

    3. International law – a person or group that rises in revolt against an established government or authority but whose conduct does not amount to belligerency.

    Come to think of it – the Judge picked exactly the right word to describe the actions of the plaintiffs who waited to the very last minute when they had a month to notify the Board that they considered there were 8 – not 3 – vacancies.

    Perhaps now these insurgents will listen to Frank Lowy and Maccabi NSW.

    For the sake of communal peace and harmony I certainly hope they do.

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