Greens candidate Julian Burnside quotes Goering…again

March 7, 2019 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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Federal Labor MP Michael Danby has slammed new Green Party Candidate, Julian Burnside for his quoting of Nazi official, Herman Goering, using an analogy in an attempt to smear Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Julian Burnside

“This is a highly offensive comparison and even more so, in the context that Burnside used the quote in his preparation to announce his candidacy against the sitting member for Kooyong, who is the son of a Holocaust survivor,” Danby said.

Mr Danby had previously called on Prime Minister Abbott to apologise when he used a Goebbels comparison in Parliament and PM Abbott had apologised.

“Burnside using a Nazi analogy to attack Government is in bad taste and pathetic judgement on his part,” Danby added.

“Remember the Green Party has voted against every Australian law since 9/11 passed by both sides in Federal Parliament, in the Senate where support of the Labor Opposition is essential for the passage of counter-terror laws”, said Mr Danby.

The incumbent in Kooyong, Federal Treasure Josh Frydenberg, told J-Wire: “Equating our border protection policies which have worked and saved lives with the behaviour of the totalitarian Nazi machine is totally abhorrent and inexcusable.”

In 2017 Burnside tweeted:



and then this month with a message for the Prime Minister


3 Responses to “Greens candidate Julian Burnside quotes Goering…again”
  1. Brian Rom says:

    Here we go again. The same hysterical and unwarranted response that was given to Dr Bauert’s comments a few weeks ago when he dared, with minor inaccuracies, to compare conditions on Nauru to those in concentration camps.

    The lessons to be learned from the Holocaust and the statement by Goering referred to by Mr Burnside are universal. Those who say otherwise and who think we can apply nothing from history to experiences today offend the memory of the Holocaust.

    Mr Danby’s response says more about his animus towards the Greens.

    • Adrian Jackson says:

      Agree and George W Bush did the same talking about patriotism and he uses fear to get his war going in Iraq and Menzies did it concerning Communism in the 1950’s.

  2. Robert Weil says:

    And here are some more examples of this man’s endearing qualities….

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