Great results in Perth

December 20, 2017 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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Perth’s Carmel School is immensely proud of the successes and contributions achieved by all its students in 2017, most especially the graduates who have already shown themselves to be young men and women of integrity and perseverance.

At Carmel, in partnership with parents, the School is honoured to be able to equip its students with all they need to succeed in life, including the best possible ATAR for University entry. In true Carmel style, the Year 12 results have been outstanding:

• 13% with an ATAR over 98 • 35% with an ATAR over 95 • 47% with an ATAR over 90 • 76% with an ATAR over 80

Carmel congratulates Rachel Hertzman in particular, for her perfect score of 100% in English Literature.

The School is also proud of the students who chose to study VET courses in order pursue their chosen careers, and this year Carmel had four students complete VET courses with much success.

While Carmel appreciates and celebrates the academic success of this year’s graduates, the Carmel student carries much more than just a top ATAR score. Principal, Shula Lazar says, “A Carmel graduate is characterized by a strong Jewish and Zionist identity, a desire to contribute to both the Jewish and wider community, and a thirst for learning that endures long after they leave Carmel. We are proud of all of our students for all of their achievements, both in and out of the classroom, and know that they will go on to careers of meaning and purpose.”

Carmel is proud that the majority of its 2017 graduates will be spending time in Israel before commencing their tertiary studies. Inspired by the learning at Carmel School, the experiences at amazing Jewish youth groups, and of course, Shorashim, Carmel’s three week trip to Israel, these students are keen to extend and enrich their understanding of Israel and their own Jewish identity. Carmel School is proud to have so many graduates affiliated with and spending time in Israel.

Carmel School wishes its Class of 2017 at hearty Mazel Tov, and looks forward to hearing of their future successes in their chosen careers and endeavours.

They are true Carmel menschen.

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