Goot back at ECAJ

November 24, 2013 by J-Wire Staff
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The presidency of  The Executive Council of Australian Jewry has moved from Melbourne to Sydney marking the end of Dr Danny Lamm’s tenure as head of the organisations head and the return to the office of Sydney’s Robert Goot who held the position once before.

Ambassador-Designate Shmuel Ben-Shmuel and RObert Goot

Ambassador-Designate Shmuel Ben-Shmuel and Robert Goot                         Photo: Steve Yarrow



Dr Danny Lamm and Robert Goot

Dr Danny Lamm and Robert Goot    Photo: Steve Yarrow

At the ECAJ AGM held in Melbourne’s Beth Weizmann, reports were tabled by leaders of the country’s state communities before informative addresses were made by the many dignitaries attending the conference.

Israel’s new ambassador to Australia Shmuel Ben-Shmuel spoke of the current developments in Iran.

The current emerging controversy regarding government intentions to make changes to the Racial Discriminations Act’s sections 18C and 18D was explained by Race Discrimination Commissioner Dr Tim Soutphomassane.

Liberal MP for Kooyong Josh Frydenberg updated the conference with the latest position Australia holds with United Nations.

Incoming president Robert Goot told J-Wire: “This is my second term and it is good to be back. I am honoured to again preside over the ECAJ, the peak representative body of the Australian Jewish community. I very much look forward  to working with an outstanding team of professional  staff and lay leaders from across Australia, to advance the interests of Australian Jewry nationally and internationally.  Although we are undoubtedly a strong, committed and very fortunate community, we nevertheless face challenges in a variety of areas and cannot become complacent. We will build on the ECAJ’s reputation as the authentic voice of the community to address those concerns both within the community and with the Federal Parliament, NGOs, faith groups,  the media and others.”

Goot was last president of the ECAJ between 2007 and 2009.

For Danny Lamm this does not mark the end of community involvement. He told J-Wire: “I will take a break but I will pop us somewhere.”

Later in the afternoon, a welcome function was organised to greet the new Ambassador-Designate.



One Response to “Goot back at ECAJ”
  1. Otto Waldmann says:

    Robert, mate, mazal tov !!
    At this rate I am already working out a plan to have you back President in 2022.
    How much of the goot stuff can we have, ay !!??
    Then, never mind President for life, I reckons you could be even President for After Life.
    Need more help, you got me numba.

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