Gaza update – official information

August 2, 2014 by J-Wire Staff
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J-Wire brings you updates sent to us by Israel’s Ministry of  Foreign Affairs.


Two Soldiers Killed and Suspicion that IDF Soldier Kidnapped During Ceasefire

(Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

This morning, on 9:30 AM (Israel time), in violation of the latest ceasefire, Hamas terrorists, including a suicide attacker, fired at our forces in southern Gaza. We suspect that Hamas kidnapped 2nd. Lt. Hadar Goldin, an IDF officer, during the exchange of fire and dragged him into a tunnel. The IDF is currently conducting extensive searches in order to locate the missing soldier. During the event, 2 IDF soldiers were killed by Hamas fire.

2nd. Lieutenant Hadar Goldin, 23 from Kfar Saba, is the soldier suspected to be kidnapped by Hamas earlier today.

Note: The ceasefire began at 8:00 am.


PM Netanyahu Speaks with US Secretary of State John Kerry
(Communicated by the Prime Minister’s Media Adviser)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this afternoon (Friday, 1 August), spoke with US Secretary of State John Kerry and told him that despite his joint statement with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, according to which assurances had been received from Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip regarding a ceasefire from 08:00 this morning, the Palestinians had unilaterally and grossly violated the humanitarian ceasefire and attacked our soldiers after 09:00.

As a result of this attack, two IDF soldiers were killed and another soldier is suspected to have been abducted; this was after the ceasefire had taken effect.

Prime Minister Netanyahu told US Secretary of State Kerry that Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip will bear the consequences of their actions and that Israel would take all necessary steps against those who call for our destruction and perpetrate terrorism against our citizens.


“The White House on Friday condemned a reported Hamas attack on Israeli soldiers in Gaza as a violation of the newly reached humanitarian ceasefire and called for the release of an abducted Israeli soldier. ‘That would be a rather barbaric violation of the ceasefire agreement,’ White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on CNN.”

“The United States urged the international community to condemn the Hamas ceasefire violation in the ‘strongest possible terms,’ Earnest said. ‘And we would encourage those who have influence with Hamas to get them back on to the terms of the ceasefire and to get them to abide by the agreements that they struck just yesterday,’ he said.

 Deputy National Security Advisor Tony Blinken:

[MSNBC, “Morning Joe,” 1 August]

“This appears to be an absolutely outrageous action by Hamas, using the cover of a ceasefire to conduct a surprise attack through a tunnel, killing Israeli soldiers, and perhaps taking one hostage.”

“We strongly, strongly condemn it. Israel has the right to defend itself, and it’s obviously taking action to do so. But this is an outrageous action, and we look to the rest of the world to join us in condemning it, and those with influence on Hamas to use that influence, to cease these actions.”

“But right now the main thing is the soldier, if he was taken prisoner, needs to be released and the parties need to abide by their commitments.”


Press Statement

John Kerry
Secretary of State

Washington, DC

August 1, 2014

The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms today’s attack, which led to the killing of two Israeli soldiers and the apparent abduction of another. It was an outrageous violation of the cease-fire negotiated over the past several days, and of the assurances given to the United States and the United Nations.

Hamas, which has security control over the Gaza Strip, must immediately and unconditionally release the missing Israeli soldier, and I call on those with influence over Hamas to reinforce this message.

After the horrific loss of life in this attack and its aftermath, it would be a tragedy if this outrageous attack leads to more suffering and loss of life on both sides of this conflict. I have been in close touch with Prime Minister Netanyahu, with UN Special Coordinator Robert Serry and with other regional partners. The international community must now redouble its efforts to end the tunnel and rocket attacks by Hamas terrorists on Israel and the suffering and loss of civilian life.


New York, 1 August 2014 – Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on the situation in Gaza [Ban-Kimoon]

The Secretary-General condemns in the strongest terms the reported violation by Hamas of the mutually agreed humanitarian ceasefire which commenced this morning. He is shocked and profoundly disappointed by these developments.

The Secretary-General notes that the UN has no independent means to verify exactly what happened.  According to the latest reports, two IDF soldiers were killed and one taken captive after the humanitarian ceasefire came into effect. This would constitute a grave violation of the ceasefire, and one that is likely to have very serious consequences for the people of Gaza, Israel and beyond. Such moves call into question the credibility of Hamas’ assurances to the United Nations. The Secretary-General demands the immediate and unconditional release of the captured soldier.

The Secretary-General is deeply concerned about the resumption of Israeli attacks on Gaza and the killing of over 70 Palestinians this morning. Instead of giving both sides, especially Gazan civilians, a much needed reprieve to let them attend to their injured, bury their dead and repair vital infrastructure, this breach of the ceasefire is now leading to a renewed escalation.

The Secretary-General urges both sides to show maximum restraint and return to the agreed 72-hour humanitarian ceasefire that tragically lasted such a brief period of time.  He also urges those with influence over the parties to do everything to convince them to observe the humanitarian ceasefire.



3 Responses to “Gaza update – official information”
  1. Gil Solomon says:

    Prime Minister Netanyahu states: “…. terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip will bear the consequences of their actions and that Israel would take all necessary steps.”

    We’ve heard all this before from a person who does not appear to be up to the job as a war time Prime Minister. How many times does one keep making the same mistake over and over and over again and expecting a different outcome?

    The man is clearly out of his depth and should shape up immediately or step aside for the good of the country.

    The latest killing of two IDF soldiers and the kidnapping of another is on his head, a Prime Minister who, (along with that meddling ex President Shimon Peres) AGAIN foolishly believed that this time Hamas would honour the ceasefire.

    The gloves have got to come off and now, with the IDF and IAF unleashed with a ferocity never seen before. The “Purity of Arms” doctrine (which is only prolonging the war and getting Jewish soldiers killed) should be thrown in the garbage where it belongs.

    This is a war to the finish and no more endless ceasefires should even be contemplated. The only aim should now be the unconditional surrender of the enemy together with the utter destruction of Hamas and the PA. They are two arms of the same body.

  2. Sol Salbe says:

    Surely the title of official information should be reserved for our own government and not a foreign one?

  3. Jeff Gould says:

    I can’t find the right words to describe without profanity about the behaviour of our enemies. They will never change. I will know and not forget until my last days what they are after having served and lost my comrades in the IDF in the 6 Days 1967. Milchemet Hatashah 68-69 and 1973 Yom Kippur.

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