Gay and Lesbian support group apply for JCCV affiliation

July 20, 2015 by J-Wire Staff
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Next month’s  Jewish Community Council of Victoria plenum will hold a vote on a motion to admit Keshet Australia Inc as an affiliate.
The purpose and objectives of Keshet Australia Inc  are to:

Screen-Shot-2015-07-20-at-11.58.29-am–          promote the prevention or control of behaviour that is harmful or abusive towards gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) Jews within the community, and

–          promote lifelong inclusivity through education and support for GLBT Jews within the Jewish community.
If you and your organisation are supportive of diversity and social inclusion, then please be sure to have your maximum number of delegates attend the Plenum and vote in support of the motion.

The next JCCV Plenum will be held at 8:00pm on Monday 3 August at Blake Street Hebrew Congregation, 868 Glenhuntly Rd, Caulfield South,


21 Responses to “Gay and Lesbian support group apply for JCCV affiliation”
  1. BARRY MOND says:

    I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever, that Keshet will be admitted to the JCCV.

    Then the fun will begin.

  2. Philip Mendes says:

    Some of the comments here are very ignorant of history. There was a previous application about 15 years ago by a gay and lesbian support group to join the JCCV which was rejected following an over-the-top campaign by representatives of some orthodox synagogues. It would be highly concerning (and evidence of serious intolerance) if Keshet’s application is not successful given the importance of including all sections of the Jewish community in a peak body.

    • Michael Barnett says:

      Philip, the minutes from the May 1999 JCCV Plenum Meeting are here if you care to review the ‘delightful’ speech from the late Ronald Lubofsky:

    • Robert Weil says:

      I am not ignorant of the history of all this Philip. I was there 15 years ago at the then Board of Deputies plenum. It wasn’t just because of an orthodox campaign that the application was overturned. It was because the delegates of that time were clear thinkers, guided by common sense, wisdom, and a moral compass that it sorely absent in today’s left-thinking trendies who are merely guided by feelings and lack the wisdom to think through the consequences of their actions. Sadly, I fear the bullying tactics of the LGBTI will pay off for them this time, but the reasons that this will not have a good ending for our community are as valid today as they were in 1999.

  3. Gil Solomon says:

    Would someone please give me an example where any Jewish gays or lesbians have been so mistreated or abused by any member of the wider Jewish community that they need to be represented as a group on their own to present their case?
    What case?
    What issue are they bringing to the table that affect the wider Jewish community?

    It seems to me there is no need for any vote in support of “diversity or social inclusion” when that same diversity and social inclusion already exists.

    The JCCV, like the Jewish Board of Deputies is liberal enough already and should get back to conservative issues concerning all Jews (whatever their lifestyle or beliefs). We need to stop indulging fringe elements within the community who seem to be claiming they are being victimised and therefore need to be represented as a group. No one within the Jewish community is abusive to fellow Jews because they are gay.

    Consequently the JCCV should disregard the request to admit Keshet as an affiliate as its agenda is irrelevant to that of the issues facing the wider Jewish community.

    Admitting Keshet will, as sure as night follows day, cause division not harmony down the track, as no doubt this organisation’s leaders will promote their agenda and not the issues that confront the parent organisation or the wider Jewish community.

    If this motion is voted in, then what next?

    • Michael Barnett says:

      Gil, that you refer to gay Jews as “fringe” is evidence of the problem you claim doesn’t exist.

      • Gil Solomon says:


        I stand by what I have said.
        Show me an example of discrimination.

        As to your honing in on the word “fringe”, you can play word games all you like. Whether you like it or not, the Jewish gay and lesbian community are a minority.

        • Michael Barnett says:

          Of course gay and lesbian people are a minority, but just like Jews in the broader non-Jewish society, one that should not be marginalised or diminished.

          • Gil Solomon says:

            FOR THE LAST TIME give me an example of how you think Jewish gay and lesbian people are “marginalised or diminished” in any way, let alone to the point that they need to be represented as a separate entity within an entity.

            In reality, people are sick and tired of hearing about the supposed discrimination you are supposedly subjected to.

            Your responses to date are the exact reason why your organisation should never be granted affiliate status with other mainstream Jewish organisations. Simply put you have an agenda to push which is of no concern whatsoever to the mainstream issues that are of vital interest to Jews in general. With what is going on in the world today we have more important things to concern ourselves with than indulge your imagined grievances.

            • Michael Barnett says:

              Your disdain for homosexuality speaks volumes about the problem you say doesn’t exist Gil.

              • Paul Winter says:

                Thanks for revealing your true agenda, Michael. You call for admission to the JCCV to help in your fight against discrimination experienced by homosexuals. You then criticise Gil for the problem you perceive he has with homosexuality. In other words, what you are really after is not the acceptance of homosexuals as fellow human beings, but their sexual predilections.

                I know two of my relatives by marriage are homosexuals. They are lovely intelligent human beings whom I respect, of whom I am fond and for whom I wish all the best; I certainly want no discrimination of any form against them.

                I accept homosexual as people and I do not want anyone to interfere with their practices. I do not accept the practice of homosexuality and I do not want anyone to make me accept those practices not to silence my by labelling me a homophobe.

                Live and let live. You are entitled to be accepted and respected. I am also entitled to be accepted and respected even if my views differ from yours.

                • Michael Barnett says:

                  I don’t know what you’re talking about Paul but I’m not calling for admission of anything to the JCCV.

            • Michael Barnett says:

              In any case, the JCCV is there for the whole Jewish community, not just people those that meet with your approval.

              • Gil Solomon says:

                Michael Barnett,

                You have clearly shown for all to see that you are unable to give even one example that I have been asking for.
                On the contrary, you play political games to get around addressing the issues I have raised.

                I hope members of the JCCV take note of all this correspondence.

                • Michael Barnett says:

                  Gil, I have nothing to do with Keshet or it’s application to be part of the JCCV.

  4. Paul Winter says:

    I am puzzled. Discrimination against people on the grounds of their sexuality is already an offence.

    What Jewish content is there in Keshet members concern about discrimination? What role does the JCCV have in the fight against discrimination?

    Unless Vic is different to NSW, there is no discrimination in Jewish communal bodies against people on the basis of their sexuality. Since inclusivity exists, why ask for it? And what support is asked for and what education is envisaged?

    This is all too confusing for a NSWelshman, but he (i.e. me) suspects that Keshet is really asking for Jews to accept not people who prefer and display sexual variabilities, but the variances itself. One suspects something is less than kosher.

    • Michael Barnett says:

      Exactly how would something like this impact you Paul? You strike me as a very worldly, open-minded type of guy. So I’m expecting you would cope fairly well, all things considered.

  5. Michael Barnett says:

    It will be a major embarrassment for the JCCV if this vote fails.

  6. Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone says:

    Will the Blake Street Synagogue delegates vote in favour of motion.

    • David Knoll says:

      One would hope so. Admitting Keshet to the JCCV says nothing about the religious debate and everything about a secular roof body being inclusive of all members of our Jewish community. I look forward to a similar application being made in each other state.

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