Gathering Fragments
The Farkas Sisters, Ruth Geva and Leorah Kroyanker grew up in Jerusalem and witnessed some of the most pivotal moments in the history of the city and of Israel as a young nation.

The sisters check old photos
Living in sieged Jerusalem, they remember endless bombardments, sniper fire and running for shelter, but also a constant feeling of an adventure.
They recalled: “We were a group of children, growing up in Jerusalem, during the British Mandate in the 40s, before and during the founding of the State of Israel. In the midst of the war-torn city and during the 1948 War, our neighbourhood experienced intense sniping and bombings.
We especially recall living through the months of the siege on the city, with a scarcity of water and food. Now, seventy years on, we recollect our adventures, with humour as well as with pain concerning our personal tragedies. Can the home-movies, photos, diaries and letters documenting our parents’ daily activity, feelings and thoughts – found and uncovered during the making of the film – provide us now with closure to the pain and suffering experienced and which our parents, silent as always, hid from us?”
Years later, they embarked together on a journey into their parents’ rare documentation to piece together fragments of their personal story, but also that of the first Israel-born generation.
With the assistance of the Israeli Embassy, Sydney’s Emanuel Synagogue will host the Farkas sisters for a special conversation discussing behind the scenes of their fantastic documentary Gathering Fragments – לאסוף רסיסים
Readers are invited to watch the amazing film in their own time then join us for a conversation with the Farkas sisters live from Israel.
Watch Gathering Fragments (English subtitles) now here:
Join us for a conversation with the Farkas sisters live from Israel via Zoom on Sunday June 28 at 5:00pm. Please register to receive the link to this event: