Galit and Caleb struggle in Townsville

February 5, 2019 by Elana Bowman
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Caleb and Galit Vella have lost everything when their home became yet another victim of the horrendous floods swamping the North Queensland city of Townsville.

Caleb and Gallit

She told J-Wire: “We evacuated ourselves yesterday morning and actually swam through the waters which was probably not the smartest thing to do. But we had no choice and we had to get out.”

Galit and her family received a text message the day before advising them to get to higher water. This flood was completely unexpected.

She added: “No one expected this. There was no time to prepare for this, and although some people were aware of the weather conditions no one expected this flood. In fact, there were floods in 98, where the property was unaffected but this time, the entire downstairs is affected and we have lost of all our power and plumbing.”

Galit, her two daughters, 6 and 10, and her partner Caleb stayed the night and it seems that her neighbours and others did the same.

She and Caleb have lost everything. Galit and her family are now staying in temporary accommodation, waiting for the waters to recede.

At present, everything is closed. There is no fresh food available

The roads are closed, and the evacuation centre is full. Schools are closed but Galit is hoping to send her daughters to school on Friday.

Caleb in his “garden”

Despite everyone knowing about the dangers of crocs in the water, people are still wading through the area to access their properties and to speak to their insurance companies about damages.

People are worried about looters who are scouring the neighbourhood.

As Galit’s three cats are still in the property she has been going to feed them every day.

Galit reported that many people have some access to canned food but others have had to access fast food outlets as well.

Today has all been about waiting for Galit who has spoken to her insurance company. They are trying to get everything back in order, and have received help from her employees.

As the roads are closed, people cannot help with donations as of yet and there should be army supplies and army drops as fresh food, clothing and other items are needed.

Galit said: “It is unfortunate. This was no one’s fault. It was a force of nature. But we will get back to normal.”


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