From the Embassy: Israel’s Response to the IAEA

September 28, 2010 Agencies
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The 54th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency took place in Vienna last week.

Israel is pleased at the fact that the Conference voted down the Arab draft resolution with regard to “Israel’s nuclear capabilities”, a resolution whose entire purpose is to isolate Israel and single it out for discredit. The Arab group ignored a request by the President of the United States to strike the resolution from the agenda, so as not to adversely affect the peace process.

Among the list of countries which supported the resolution against Israel are the same countries which violate their international undertakings to prevent nuclear proliferation, headed by Iran and Syria.

Israel thanks the many countries which opposed the resolution, thereby demonstrating their support of Israel. Israel believes that the outcome of the vote conveys to its neighbors of a clear message that they must choose the path of dialogue and cooperation, and not that of extremism and confrontation.

Israel expresses the hope that, pursuant to the outcome of the vote, the Agency will now be able to focus on important professional matters, and not on controversial political issues, and that the Arab League states will refrain from bringing up this resolution again next year.

The Israeli delegation to the Conference was headed by the Director of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission, Dr. Shaul Chorev.

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