Friendship Circle’s Successful Sunday

September 6, 2010 by J-Wire
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More than 400 participants took part in a sponsored walk through the Sydney suburb of Vaucluse yesterday for the Friendship Circle…a walk which yielded $50,000 for the cause.

Rabbi Mendel Kastel and Rodney Adler All Photos: Nadine Saacks

Micheal O’Louglin was the official starter and the route lead almost 400 walkers over the Parsley Bay bridge. It then returned to to its starting-point at Vaucluse Primary School for entertainment by barakaart, a welcome by Rabbi Milecki and a presentation titled by past, present and future. The presentation by Syble Resnick, Maxine Cohen and Jen Nurick highlighted the reality of living with a disability in the past, present and future

Organiser Sender Kavka tod J-Wire: “It is heart-warming to see so many walkers supporting our charity. Whether they collected sponsors or not, by joining and walking together with the families who have individuals with special needs, they have sent the important message that we as a community are interested and concerned for the welfare and future of their children.”

The event raised over $50,000 by walkers collecting sponsorships using facebook, twitter and email via and through raffle, auction and donations on the day.

“We are very excited that the community has come forward to support the Friendship Circle. It shows their commitment and interest in seeing the Friendship Circle develop, and we look forward to continuing to involve more teenagers and community members in the lives of young people with special needs.”

The funds will go toward expanding Friendship Circle’s programing covering the costs of coordinators, therapist, equipment purchase and access to a premises.

Kavka told J-Wire he was “pleasantly surprised” by the success of the initiative.

Jeff Akres with Rabbi Milecki

Michael O'Loughlin and Mickey Sarif

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