Footage, photos prove Ahmed Erekat committed attack, was not ‘executed’

June 26, 2020 by Aryeh Savir - TPS
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Footage taken by security cameras, photos from the scene of the attack and other information clearly demonstrate that Ahmed Erekat was carrying out a terror attack on Tuesday in the outskirts of Jerusalem when he was killed by Israeli security forces, and was not executed, as Palestinian Authority (PA) officials and Arab-Israeli lawmakers alleged.

Scene of the attack. (TPS)

Erekat, 28 from Abu Dis, arrived at the Kiosk Checkpoint near Ma’ale Adumin and attempted to ram the troops with his car.

Footage released by the police Wednesday evening shows Erekat’s vehicle arriving at the checkpoint, then suddenly veering right towards the guard post and hitting it with great force. A policewoman is flung out of the post by the intensity of the collision.

Erakat then hurriedly exits his car and is shot by Israeli forces.

משטרת ישראל


תיעוד פיגוע הדריסה במחסום הקיוסק ממצלמות אבטחה: המחבל נוסע בפראות לעבר לוחמי מג”ב ופוגע בלוחמת, שנפצעה באורח קל. הלוחמים נטרלו את המחבל

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A clip that Erekat filmed of himself in an apparent suicide message surfaced on social media a day after the attack. He speaks of his grief over humiliating his family and his people and about the publications on social networks in which he is accused of collaborating with the Israelis.

In the message, he says “your brother is not a spy, I have never betrayed my homeland.”

“I didn’t look at the girls; since I knew the girl, I don’t know a secret about her and she does not know about me … Look at what situation I have arrived at, I started telling things … I brought shame to my parents and myself. And what happened to me was just about my fear or something they put in my drink, nothing else,” he said.

It appears he committed the attack as a form of suicide by proxy, not uncommon with Palestinian Authority (PA) terrorists.

Some users on social media claimed that the footage was old and had nothing to do with the incident. However, photos of Erekat’s body at the scene of the attack seen by TPS show that the shirt he is seen wearing in the clip is the same he was wearing during that attack.

This evidence stands in stark contrast to claims made by Saeb Erekat, Secretary-General of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and chief negotiator with Israel, Ahmed’s uncle, who alleged that the Israeli forces executed him.

“They have multiple cameras at the roadblock, why don’t they show the video? The lies of field executions have become an integral part of the rules of the occupation authority,” Saeb Erakat tweeted after in the incident in Arabic. “[Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu is responsible.”

In English, he wrote that the incident was “acid blooded murder.”

Later, responding to TPS’ report on the incident, Erakat tweeted that “to call the victim a terrorist, reflect the fact that of criminal minds, hearts and hands.”

Member of Knesset (MK) Aida Touma-Sliman, of the Arab-majority Joint List, stated that the incident was not the result of “human error, nor negligence, nor even a light hand on the trigger. It’s murder. It is a systematic execution when every Palestinian is a legitimate target.”

MK Ahmed Tibi stated that Erekat was on his way to bring his mother and sister from the hair salon to his sister’s wedding scheduled for that evening.

“The finger is easy on the trigger and death is certain. Shot and left to die without medical assistance. By the way, his wedding is in a few weeks,” he tweeted.

Tibi demanded that the video of the incident be released immediately but failed to comment on the footage after it was.

Despite the evidence, Saeb Erekat demanded that an international team be assembled to launch an investigation into the alleged execution.

The PA’s Negotiations Affairs Department, which he heads, called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Thursday to open an investigation into the “extrajudicial killing of martyr” Erekat who was “executed in cold blood and mercilessly left to bleed to death.”

It is of significance to note that the term Shaheed, martyr, is used in Islam to describe Muslim casualties who died while fighting “infidels.”

“The blood of our martyrs will never go in vain, and we will continue our struggle until we fulfill our inalienable and sacred rights to freedom and independence,” the statement said.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry declined to comment on this development.

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One Response to “Footage, photos prove Ahmed Erekat committed attack, was not ‘executed’”
  1. Terclinger says:

    This will not end until all the so-called “palestinians” have moved back to their ancestral homelands in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

    LOOK AT THEIR CLAN NAMES. They all love honoring themselves as coming from outside Israel. They must go back.

    Israel is for the Jews.

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