Fleeing the Hijab
“On July 22, Zionism Victoria, in partnership with St Kilda Hebrew Congregation and South Caulfield Hebrew Congregation, will host Iranian-born Dr Sima Goel for her first Australian appearance.
Iranian-born Dr Sima Goel has dedicated her life to promoting the importance and fragility of freedom. Her story begins at age thirteen when she spontaneously defended a Baha’i classmate against a schoolyard bully, triggering events that would eventually take her into danger and far from her beloved, homeland.
Once a penniless political refugee, now an established Montreal professional, Dr Goel shares her belief that an authentic life requires freedom of choice, the most precious commodity of all. She tells her story with dignity, passion, clarity and wisdom as she takes the audience on a journey that speaks to the power of resilience and courage.
A master storyteller with a peerless perspective on the events that shaped her world, Dr Goel leaves her audiences enlightened and inspired, and grateful for the myriad privileges available in modern democratic societies.
Goel will be sharing her story via ZOOM webinar. There are only 500 places available, so make sure to register.
Registration is available at: https://www.zionismvictoria.org.au/events/fleeing-the-hijab/
Please note, only one registration required per device.”