Feb-02 Sydney: In Conversation

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The Emanuel Synagogue: What can our community do to support reconciliation & recognition?

Prof Ian Anderson

Professor Ian Anderson was one of the group of three first Aboriginal medical graduates in Australia. He is currently the Deputy CEO of the National Indigenous Australians Agency in the Commonwealth Government, making him the most senior Indigenous public servant in the federal government.

His family are Palawa Trowerna from the Pyemairrenner mob in Tasmania, which includes Trawlwoolway and Plairmairrenner and related clans.

Robert Griew

Robert Griew is a management consultant, working mostly on health, education and Indigenous assignments. He has a long history working in social justice areas, with communities impacted by disadvantage and in government as a leader in these policy areas. He was the first head of the Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health in the Commonwealth government and the Director-General of the NT Department of Health and Community Services.

This promises to be a fascinating insight into this important issue.

Please head to: www.emanuel.org.au/event/reconciliation to book.

2nd February from 5:00pm to 6:30pm 

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