Fears for Missing Israelis

February 25, 2011 by J-Wire Staff
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Teddy Poplinger, Israel’s consul in Wellington New Zealand is on the ground in the earthquake-shattered city of Christchurch and has expressed fears for the lives of missing Israelis.

He told J-Wire: “Nothing can be confirmed at this stage…but we are concerned for some of the Israelis who are unaccounted for.”

Search and rescue workers in the stricken city are focusing efforts where hope still remains of finding survivors. The grim task of recovering the bodies of those who have lost their lives in some instances must wait until the operations’ mode changes from search and rescue to search and recovery.

In the meantime, The Economist has reported that New Zealand will accept help from Israel. At this stage, J-Wire is yet to have this confirmed and to learn if it confirmed what type of assistance Israel will provide.

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